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Why do you do this to us Ato Meles?

By Yilma Bekele

In the good old days it used to be the tradition of dictators to sit at home and never show their face in the capitals of the civilized world or in most parts of their own country. They respected the self-imposed isolation in the grand palace prison they constructed and did not pretend to love of be loved by others. It was a very refreshing condition for their subjects. They listen to the pronouncements of the dictator on the radio, watch the dictator cutting some ribbon surrounded by his security on TV or read about him in the local rag that passes itself as a newspaper.

Our friends Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Kim Jung of Korea, Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and others stay put in their prison. They do not venture out in broad daylight and impose themselves on the sensibilities of others. They are civilized enough not to embarrass their hosts and make others uncomfortable with their presence.

Then why is the little dictator from Ethiopia turning this tradition on its head? Why is Ato Meles popping up every place where pressing international matters are discussed? It looks like he has a bag ready to go at a drop of a hat to any and all conferences representing some obscure outfit but not the country he is purported to be leading. Why is he breaking the rule that has been working like a charm?

Ethiopia is one of the most back ward, illiterate, un electrified, un wired and famine stricken country in the entire world thanks to the backward looking voodoo economics practiced by our illustrious and fearless leader. There is no reason why the leader of such a country would want to sit on the same table as leaders of the most industrialized countries. He does not have a robust economy nor a strong military force to bring to the table. He does not have an imposing presence or a charming character to sway others. No logical reason at all. There is no reason why he will be invited to such a meeting either.

Thus in the twisted and unsurpassed cunning brain of his, the TPLF boss was able to insert himself by lobbying to represent Africa. It is a fact most of the African leaders would not dare to leave their capitals or do not have the chutzpah to sit on the same table as other elected leaders. But not our Meles. He is the indispensable, all knowing leader with the sharpest tongue East of the Nile. The word ‘shame’ is not in his vocabulary. ዩሉንታ and ስው ምንዩላል is foreign to Woyane and company. Thus while his people are starving in millions he have no qualms transporting his mafia entourage to far away places all at the expense of the Ethiopian people. You ask for what?

Vanity my friend. The dictator gets his legitimacy by rubbing shoulders with elected leaders. He strains his neck trying to have his picture taken besides powerful heads of state. While the Obamas avoid him like the plague, the Gordon Browns distance them selves away from him our hero keeps showing up again and again. Like a bad dream he does not go away. The interloper knows no boundary. The interloper marches to his own drummer.

The interloper is becoming a strain on the Diasporas budget. It took a lot of organization and finance to confront the dictator in London. The legitimate leaders drove by waving and nodding a knowing glace while our hero sunk in his chair to hide. Then he showed up again in Rome. Well our European cousins were forced to head over to Rome to unfurl the unwelcome sign again. Again hiding was the only option for the dictator.

Yesterday, It was the turn of the free Ethiopians in America to register our displeasure. That they did a good job is the talk of CNN, Al Jazeera and our independent and free websites. Those of us that did not attend owe our everlasting gratitude to you brave Ethiopians for speaking for the silenced in our homeland. Mr. Obama was heard to have said ‘the Ethiopians again, persistent aren’t they?’ Let us just say some of us are. There are many who take credit but secretly feed the monster. The ‘hodams’ among us, but that is another story.

The sad part is he is sticking around for a while. He is not ready to fade away. He is in the process of organizing his fourth ‘sham election’, which he will win. No question about that. Does it mean we have a few more unwelcome marches we have to go to? Is there a way we can convince the dictator to stay away from international conferences? Not a chance. On the other hand we want it to be registered to all conference organizers that unless you hold your meetings in some remote area like Pyongyang or Minsk we promise to be there. We do not enjoy disturbing your meeting but we believe someone have to give voice to the voiceless.

It is not news to us that the dictator and his wife were so unnerved by the protesters that they took the anger on each other. We know the only thing that would have calmed them was the sight of Ethiopian blood on the street and sidewalk. Helene Cooper of the New York Times was kind enough to record the furious arrival of the interlopers as they arrived to this lavish dinner they imposed themselves on. Here is an excerpt. There is no need to elaborate.

Next arrives Ethiopian President Meles Zenawi, who clearly did something in the car to anger his wife because she glares at him, Mr. Obama, Mrs. Obama, and anyone unfortunate enough to cross her line of vision.
The Obamas both look slightly taken aback by her. Wonder what happened in the car? The Ethiopian First Couple are quickly dispatched inside.

Now you know why Parliament members are sure to wear their diapers when in the presence of the Representative from Welkait. Being in her line of vision causes temporary loss of bodily functions, nervousness, twitching, stuttering and absolute cowardice. If you don’t believe me ask Teshome Toga.
Judge Bertukan has been in Woyane dungeon two hundred seventy days. Our protest is her strength. We are sad she is paying the price for our freedom. At the same time her resolve in the face of absolute tyranny empowers the rest of us to emulate our leader and stand firm. We wish Bertukan Medeksa a happy Meskel and promise to double our efforts until we are all free. We love you Bertukan may our god give you the strength to withstand the harsh conditions.

10 thoughts on “Why do you do this to us Ato Meles?

  1. I hate what the TPLF is doing to our country. But your article is a put down of all of Ethiopia , not Meles.

    (Ethiopia is one of the most back ward, illiterate, un electrified, un wired and famine stricken country in the entire world thanks to the backward looking voodoo economics practiced by our illustrious and fearless leader)

    I never liked the guy but can not deny he is intelligent enough to speak and represent Africa at these summits. I would take Meles any time than the bizzare and low brain Mouamar Ghadafi.

  2. Ever tried asking a snake why it strikes to poison and kill you? How about a lion? ever tried to argue with the beast not to eat your flesh?

    To answer your question about Meles and his people – They are what they are! It is not an accident that the european colonialist have chosen these people twice in the past 200 years as their guide toward our heartland.

    Doesn’t the master know its slave? The betrayal of Theodros by Yohanes for the Brits and Weyane’s serving of the US are not just historical conicidences! It is a pattern that should not be overlooked.

  3. ጥሩ አገላለጽ ነው የጸሀፊው::
    በትግል ቀስ በቀስ ውጤት ማምጣት ይቻላል::
    የተስፋ ጭላንጭልም ይታያል::
    እህታችን በፕትስበርግ ስታሰማ የነበረው መፈክር እንባ ያስቀርራል::
    የእህቶቻችን ተሳትፎ ለነጻነቱ ትግል ብርታትን ይሰጣልና ድጋፋችሁ ተጠናክሮ ይቀጥል እላልሁ::

    ሌላው ሳልጠቅስ የማላልፈው ነጥብና መገንዝብ ያለብን መለስን ስላፈቀሩት ወይም ስላከበሩት ሳይሆን ለኣገራችን ለኢቶቢያ ክብርም ሲሉ ሳይሆን መለስ ካፍሪካዊያን ጋር በመመሳጠር የኔፓድ ተጠሪ ለመሆን ስለቻለ ነው:: የኔፓድ ተጠሪነቱ ሲያከትም ደግሞ የክላሜት ተጠሪ በመሆን ከታላላቅ መንግስታት ጋር የኣቻነት ቦታ በመያዝ ራሱን ትልቅ ያደረገ ስለሚመስለው መፍጨርጨሩን አያቆምም::

    ለዚህ ነው ባለፉት ሳምንታት በሰጠው ጋዜጣዊ መግለጫ የስልጣን መተካካት ተፈጻሚ እስኪሆን ድረስ ወይም ሌላ ሰው ዱላውን ተቀብሎ የወያኔን እኩይ ኣላማ ለማስፈጸም የባለስልጣን ልጆችን እንዲተኩ በማድረግ ከተሰራው ወነጀል ነጻ ለመሆን ስለታሰበ ተጨማሪ 6 ኣመት በስልጣን ላይ ለመቆየት የታወጀብን!
    ይህም ማለት ኢትዮጵያ ዝነተዓለም በጎሳ ፉክክር ስትናቆር እንድትኖርና ህዝባችን ተሰላችቶ ኢትዮጵያዊነትን እንዲጠላ የታሰበ የመሰሪዎች ተንኮል ነው::
    -መኖር ወይስ አለመኖር – የቶቢያ መኖር ወይም አለመኖር በነዚህ 6 አመታት እንዲለይለት ወያኔ ዝግጅቱን ያጠናቀቀ ይመስላልና ይህን እኩይ ተግባር ለማክሸፍ ያንድነት ወዳጆች የህብረት ወዳጆች የኢትዮጵያ ወዳጆች ተግባር ነውና ትግላችን ይቀጥል::

  4. I think, it’s about time to remember what they said once about saddam Hussien, ” He is a son of a bitch, but he is our son of a bitch”.

    So we should not forget that if the Western Governments treat him well, it is because, Meles is their son of a bitch, killing his and other people on their service.

  5. What a shame and disgust to Africa and Ethiopia in particular psycopath weyane’s leader brings.He has no pride a low life idiot that doesn”t hesitate to be known as reletless beggar not as an African voice so much nonsense from aiga.
    Weyane have no diginity or any pride they are sold out tugs who will chase dollars even by selling their souls.Historically there is so much pride and honesty that existed for hundreds of years in the proud people of the horn,but Meles and his cronies have non of this.
    It is mind boggling to see the so called Patrirch of Ethiopian orthodox church flirting with popular young American pop star Beyonce,who is well known for her sexy and not decent way of dressing up.In the millenium hoopla he was shamelessly flirting with Beyonce.What a travesty and shame he brings to the church for real aba diablos.Once again for money as usual weyaes style.

  6. I wonder who is inviting him to all this high level meetings ? what is the reason he is being invited ? is he representing the rich and developed countries or the poor and aid dependent ones ? if it is the latter one then he is bringing shame to all of us. Instead of going from one city to another to meet the leaders of those highly develped countries he needs to go back home and build some roads and dams to alievate the starvation of the people he is leading.

  7. The man has no shame. He is a disgrace to Ethiopia and most of all to Africa as a continent. I don’t think Ato Melese has much time left on his hand to sustain his deteriorating health. He looked more like a pregnant women who is going to labor as he was steeping out of his plane. I hope that time of his death comes sooner than later and pray that we have a leader that doesn’t polarize society north from south and east from west. I hope you burn in hale for all the suffering you caused to all sorts of tribes in Ethiopia. I hope and pray that you see in your own house hold the kind of anguish and suffering you brought to millions of Amharas, oromos and Ethiopians of Eritrean origin. You are a divider and you do the kind of segregation that could never be imagined in the 20th century. You have killed many secretly and destroyed homes. You are the worst of the worst and yet you showed up to be amongst leaders who work and server truly and loyally to their people. Truly you have no shame.

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