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What’s Professor Mesfin’s mission (Amharic)

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This article is an appeal to our respected scholar and human rights advocate Prof. Mesfin Woldemariam to leave Ethiopian freedom fighters alone, stop ridiculing their sacrifices, and instead focus on the Woyanne fascist regime.

ፕ/ር መስፍን፣ ልብዎትን አዩሁት

ከጽናት ፍቅሩ

ድሮ፣ ፕ/ር መስፍንን የአገሬ ማንዴላ ነበር የማደርጋቸው። እስር ቤት ውስጥ ከተገናኘን በሁዋላ ግን የማንዴላን የክብር ስም ውድ ነገር መሆኑ ይበልጥ ገባኝ። ስሙን በማባከኔ አልጸጸትም፣ ጭፍን አምላኪነቴን አውቃለሁና። ለነገሩማ ልደቱንስ ማንዴላ ብለነውም አልነበር። ትንሽ ፕሮፌሰሩን እንዴት እንዳወኳቸው ብናገር ጥሩ ነው።

በመጀመሪያ ያወኳቸው የመንፈስ ተማሪያቸው ሆኘ ነው፣ ማለቴ የጂኦግራፊ ትምህርት ስንማር መጽሀፋቸውን አንብቤ ነው። መቼም ለጉድ የፈጠራቸው ናቸው። ያንን ሁሉ ተራራ፣ ሜዳ፣ ወንዝና ምንጭ ሳይቀር በወረቀት ላይ ቁጭ አድርገውታል። ያኔ የተራሮችን ስም መሸምደድ ሲያቅተኝ እረግማቸው ነበር፣ ግን ደግሞ ለችሎታቸው ኮፍያየን ሁሌም እንዳነሳሁ ነው። የመጀመሪያ አመት ትምህርት ካለቀ በሁዋላ እረሳሁዋቸው። እንደገና ከእምስት አመት በሁዋላ እንዳስታውሳቸው የሚያደርግ አጋጣሚ ተፈጠረ። አንድ ጓደኛየ ለሁለተኛ ዲግሪው የማሟያ ወረቀት ሲያቀርብ፣ ፕሮፌሰሩ ከጻፉት መጽሀፍ ውስጥ ሀሳብ ወስዶ ተናገረ። አስተማሪያችን በቁጣ “እንዴት ከዚያ ቆሻሻ መጽሀፍ ትጠቅሳለህ” ብሎ በጓደኛየ ላይ ጮኸበት። ኮፍያየን የማነሳላቸው ሰው እንዲያ ሲጣጣሉ ሳይ እንደምናምን አደረገኝ። በሌላ ጊዜ ደግሞ ሌላ አስተማሪ ተመሳሳይ ነገር ተናገረ። ከዚያ መጽሀፎቻቸውን ለማንበብ ወሰንኩ። ሳነባቸው የተወሰኑት በጣም ግሩም ናቸው፣ የተወሰኑት ደግሞ የሳቸውን ችሎታ የማይመጥኑ ሆነው ተሰሙኝ። ስሜቴን ተናገርኩ እንጅ ትክክል ነኝ ማለቴ አይደለም።

ጋዜጠኛ ከሆንኩ በሁዋላ በአካል ተዋወቅሁዋቸው። ወደ ቤታቸው እየሄድኩም ስራ እሰራ ነበር። ሱባኤ ላይ ካልሆኑ በቀር ከሰዎች ጋር ለመወያት ዝግጁ ናቸው። እንደገና ደግሞ ወያኔ ቃሊቲ ሲወረውረን ተገናኘን። የእሳቸው መታሰር ለወጣቱ ጽናት እንደሚሰጡ ሁላችንም እናምን ነበር። እንደታሰበው ግን አልሆነም። ከቅንጅት መሪዎች ጋር ይጣላሉ። የሚጣሉትም በሌላ በምንም አይደለም ሰዎችን ስለሚንቁ ነው። ስድባቸው በመጽሀፍ ቅዱስ ሳይቀር የተወገዘው “ደደብ” የሚል ነው። እርሳቸውን የሚቃወም ሁሉ ደደብ ነው። በዚያች አገር ያሉት ምሁር እርሳቸው ብቻ ናቸው። የሚገርመው ግን ሲጽፉና ሲናገሩ “እኔ ብቻ አዋቂ ነኝ” የሚል ሰው እጠላለሁ ይላሉ። እርሳቸው በተግባር የዚህ በሽታ ተጠቂ መሆናቸውን ግን ገና አላውቁም። ማንም ደፍሮ ባህሪያቸውን አይነግራቸውምና፣ ተሰድቦ ሲበሳጭ ከመዋል ውጭ። አንድ ደፋር ሰው ነበር ፊት ለፊት የሚነግራቸው። እርሱንም በራዲዮ ማሳደዱ አልበቃ ብሎዋቸው አሜሪካ ድረስ መጥተው ሊገድሉት ይፈልጋሉ። ሰውየው ግን ከተራራ ላይ እንደተቀመጠች መብራት ሆኗልና ሊያጠፉት ቢሞክሩ አይደርሱበትም። ሰሞኑን በዋሽንግተን ባደረጉት ስብሰባ ላይ “እውነቱን ለመቀበል አለመዘጋጀት የሁዋላ ቀርነት ምልክት ነው” ብለው ነበር። እውነቱ ምን እንደሆነ ሲናገሩ ደግሞ ሰላማዊ ተግል ነው አሉ። “በኢትዮጽያ ወያኔን ማስወገድ የሚቻለው በሰላማዊ ትግል ነው፣ እውነቱም ይህ ነው” ብለውናል። እስርቤት እያለን የእነ ኦነግን የጦርነት የድል ዜና ሲሰሙ እንዳልጨፈሩ በአንዴ ዘነጉት መሰለኝ። ለነገሩ እርጅናውና ፊርማውም የሚያስረሳ ነው።

ከሰላማዊ ትግል ጋር ሙጭጭ ያላለው ሁሉ እንደ ሁዋላ ቀር ከተቆጠረ፣ እነማንዴላ፣ አፍሪካን ነጻ ያወጡ ፓን አፍሪካኒስቶች፣ ለነጻነት የታገሉ የኢትዮጽያ አርበኞች እና በአለም ያሉ የነጻነት ተዋጊዎች ሁሉ ሁዋላቀሮች ናቸው ማለት ነው። እንደዚህ ከመመጻደቅ፣ ሰዎችን ሁዋላ ቀር ብሎ ከመጥራት ውጭ ሌላ ምን ሁዋላ ቀርነት አለ?

እስቲ ሰላማዊ ትግል የሚሉትን እንመልከተው። ፕሮፌሰሩ እንዲህ ነበር ያሉን “ወያኔ፣ በቁንጮው መሪ በኩል ድርጅታችን ፈሪ ሆኗል ብሎ ያመነው በሶማሊያ ወይም በኤርትራ ጥንካሬ አይደለም፣ ከግንቦት 7፣1997 ከተፈጠረው የሰላማዊ ትግል እንቅስቃሴ በሁዋላ እንጅ …ወያኔ በደም የተነከረ፣ ብዙ ሀብትና ንብረት የዘረፈ በመሆኑ ስልጣን መልቀቅ የሚችለው የማርያም መንገድ በመስጠት ነው”። ታዲያ እንዲህ ከሆነ ወያኔ ለምን ከግንቦቱ ምርጫ በሁዋላ የማሪያም መንገድ ሲሰጠው እምቢኝ አለ? ላደረሰው ጥፋት ተጠያቂ እንደማይሆን ማረጋገጫ ካገኘ ለምን ስልጣን አልለቅም ይላል? ደግሞስ ስልጣን የማይለቀው የማሪያም መንገድ የሚሰጠው ስላጣ ነው? እንኳን ወያኔ፣ ሀያ አራት ሰአት ነጮቹን ደፋ ቀና ብሎ ያገለገለው ቀርቶ በፈረንጆቹ ላይ ሲጨማለቅ የነበረው መንግስቱም ሀይለማሪያምም የማሪያምን መንገድ አግኝቷል። ወያኔ በስልጣን ላይ በመቆየት ሊያገኝ የሚፈልገው አላማ ከስልጣን እና ከገንዘብ በላይ ነው። አገር የማፍረሱ ስራ እስካላለቀ ድረስ ስልጣን አይለቅም። እየፈራ ያለውም ጠንካራ ሀይል በግንቦት 7 በኩል እየመጣ መሆኑን ስላየ ነው እንጅ ሽባ ያደረገውን የሰላማዊ ተግል እንቅስቃሴ አይደለም።

በነገራችን ላይ በሰላማዊ ትግል ውስጥም የአመጽ ትግል መኖሩን አንርሳ። ንብረት ማውደም፣ ፖሊሲ መግደል ምንድነው? ከጦርነት ጋር የመጠን ካልሆነ ምን ልዩነት አለው?

ፕሮፌሰሩ ሲናገሩ በጣም ያሳቀኝ ደግሞ “ሰዎች ሲፈሩ ሽማግሌና አደራዳሪ ይሆናሉ” ያሉት ነገር ነው። አቤት! ፕሮፌሰሩ በእስርቤት ውስጥ ስለሽምግልና የተናገሩትን እረሱት መሰለኝ። በጊዜው ይዘውት የነበረው አቋም አሁን ሰላማዊ ትግል የማድረግ ሀቅማቸውን እንደገደለው የተገነዘቡት አልመሰለኝም። ያኔ ከሽምግልና ውጭ ምንም ነገር አይሆንም ይሉ የነበሩት ፈርተው ነበር ማለት ነው። ብዙ ባልኩ፣ ለወያኔ አሳልፌ ባልሰጠሁዎ።

እኔ የምመክራቸው የትግሉን ቃታ በወያኔ ላይ እንዲያነጣጥሩ ነው። እርሳቸውም እንደወያኔ በአንድ ሰው ላይ ቢያነጣጥሩ ለዚያ ሰው ጥንካሬን ከመስጠት ያለፈ ነገር አይፈይዱም፡፤ ብረት ሲደበደብና ሲነድ አይደል የሚጠነክረው። ብቻ ፕሮፌሰሩ እንዳጠኗቸው ተራሮች እየተናዱና እየተሸረሸሩ ሲሄዱ እያየሁ ነው። እርከን በመስራት መሸርሸሩን ማቆም የሚቻል ይመስለኛል።

25 thoughts on “What’s Professor Mesfin’s mission (Amharic)

  1. This is a simple character assassination. But it is not uncommon in the Ethiopian politics. However, I want to see that unnamed person whom you referred him as ደፋር to come out and debate with the professor in public media here in the US. What do you think? Isn’t debate part of what we’ve been told as የሰለጠነ ፖለቲካ . So we’ve heard what the professor has said and now it is time for that ደፋር to come out and challenge Mesfin. Let them debate and let’s see and who’s got the truth and the right path to victory. This is the simplest and humblest request that I’m offering.

  2. በጣም የምታሳዘን ፈጡር ነህ:: እራሰህን የተማርክ ለማድረግ የሳቸው ተማሪ ሆነህ ብቅ አልክ::ዶክተር ብርሃኑ የሰልጣን አባዜ ነው ወንድሜ መከራ ያበላው::ድርጅቱን ፈተና ያበሉት ልደቱ , ሃይሉ እና ብርሃኑ ነበሩ :: አንተ ራሰህ ዶር ብርሃኑ ሳተሆን አልቀረህም::እስቲ በፊትለፊት ዪነጋገሩ ህዝብ ፊት::

  3. I completeley agree what Mulu said and offered. I do not want to say anything more but lets have a free debate to let the truth to prevail. This is the only civilized way. I am puzzled by those persons who lack to understand the reality. Lets not be short sighted. Lets think what we can do for the generation to come with long lasting solution.

  4. What i have read here and what i heared from a young lawyer who was imprisoned with the kinjit leaders is the same.For god sake i heard this DEDEB insultation of the prof by this young lawyer just about seven months ago when i was in ethiopia and i remember i was the one from the group who refused to belive this.But after seeing the professor closely,i was wrong not to belive the the truth.I can write more things from what i collected from several young prisionrs about the good professor..but for what?

    Any way what i would like to say is we should not let any one to undermine those groups who choose their means(given the current political situation in ethiopia) to struggle the weyane regime including professor mesfin who is i think spending his time on attacking individuals and other political groups(OLF,ONLF,G-7..)

    Ethiopia Lezelalem Tinur

  5. profeseru yemeseruet telek shetet newe behonem metewe newe melse ayasfelegem sedekemu ykomutal.profeser enwedewetalen enkeberwtalen.gene semonuen hode yefjewe.

  6. professor Mesfin is getting deeply involved in the dirty business of serving woyanne. He does not have many years to live on this earth. Instead of dying as an hounoured and respecetd person, he is angering and disappointing many Ethiopians. His andenet party is a loyal opposition in the making and is good for nothing except providing a facade of democracy to Meles Zenawi. Gud ena chira kebestehuala new.
    His close friends and relatives must advice the old professor to stay out and die with dignity and respect. This man has been preaching about peaceful struggle all the time to help the woyanne regime.

  7. what you guys talking about? Let alone professor Mesfin, even His Majesty Haile Selassie had to face the consequence when it comes to playing with fire. For me there is nothing more than Ethiopia. I respect people and their contribution to ethiopia but i don’t worship them. That is the problem i have with Engineer, yetekeberu, yetaferu, yetemaru, yetemerameru Hailu shawel followers. They care more about individual than Ethiopia. So brothers wash your old brain and learn from modern democracy. In modern world no one is immune from criticism. Live with it.

  8. ithink prof. mesfin should focus on udj Agenda and policy instead of attacking individuals i dont think the udj get any benfit by talking about individual and my opinion to Prof. Mesfin according to UDJNA you have some mettings around usa and that meeting we need to tell us about UDJ plan and goal for the coming years. also leave them those individuals alone b/c democracy start here any one has a right to fight woyane his/her way without condition

  9. The condition in which Ethiopia will disintegrate is not because of ‘Woyane’, but because of failure by the opposition groups to handle OLF and ONLF. For some opposition groups ‘Woyane’ is more Ethiopian than OLF, ONLF and the Beni Shangul Army. For them the killer ‘Woyane’ is better than OLF and ONLF in whose name Millions have been killed and tortured. The reason they want ‘Woyane’ to stay in power as long as it wants is because they think that ‘Woyane’ is better than the LFs in defending the territorial integrity of the country. In the contrary, the LFs are fighting for their human rights first, and then the issue of territory is secondary. Therefore, because of the more value the woyene-friendly oppositions give to land than the human beings (the Oromos and the Ogadenees) they think that the LFs pose more threat to the sovereignty of Ethiopia than Woyane.

    Therefore, the preaching about peaceful struggle is nothing more than a strategy to fight against the LFs. Now with a designed border problem with Sudan and Eritrea, woyane will easily win the support of its friendly oppositions to condemn Sudan and Eritrea as well as the opposition groups being supported by the two neighbouring countries.

    Anyways the support woyane can win from its friendly oppositions can only help to confuse the international community. I have closely observed the development of the Oromo struggle for self determination since 1991, and I know that no force can change the course. I know little about ONLF. As long as their support base is concerned it will never be affected. Instead the woyane-friendly oppositions will lose the support and vote they used to get from committed LF supporters, who have been playing roles in violent as well as non-violent struggle.

    So, it is this continued rejection of the LFs that would be the only threat for the sovereignty of Ethiopia. Only true love and interest towards the Oromos and the Ogadenees, instead of interest and greed to what they have in their region, can bind them together with the rest of Ethiopia. Otherwise, we can wait and see what will happen when the LFs win the fight.

  10. Here we go again. The writer’s guiding philosophy, like his war monger leaders is if you sling enough mud some of it will stick. In the current Ethiopian political landscape writers with room temperature IQ tend to attack individuals instead of their ideas. The above piece is a case in point. The writer even tries to wear a badge of honor by throwing in the word “Kaliti”. I have been in Kaliti, therefore my word caries a lot of weight! Who are you kidding.There are two schools of thought that able minded and honest people can debate.On the one hand Elias and his disciples sitting in the comfort of their homes away from Ethiopia believe the only way change could come to Ethiopia is through armed struggle. I guess they expect others to do their dirty work for them. Perhaps they will hire mercenaries. On the other hand there are those who believe, professor Mesfin included, the avenue to cahnge is through peaceful means. Why not debate the merits and demerits of these two ideas instead of engaging in character assassination and distorting facts.

    If fighting is your thing go where the action is and don’t expect the poor sons and daughters of Ethiopia to do your dirty work. It is always easy to advocate armed struggle from the comfort of your DC apartment.

    Professor Mesfin and Andinet stand for non-violence and a peaceful resolution to the current state of affairs in Ethiopia. Instead of attacking the individuals argue against their thinking, That is if you are capable of seeing beyond the tip of your nose.


  11. I think the Professor is saying that we should give immunity to the “Woyanes” for any crime committed by them previously. What he is talking about is simply called the “Latin America Model” of government change.

    More than a decade ago, most Latin American countries were ruled by Military dictatorship. The ruling military juntas were very powerful and had the full backing of the military. Thus, what the Civilian Opposition Parties who want a Civilian Democratic government did in these countries was that they gave legal immunity to the military dictators for any previous crime, no matter how much heinous it was, committed by them. As a result, such countries were able to achieve peaceful transfer of political power without much bloodshed. A case in point is Augusto Pinochet. His government committed much bloodshed in Chile. But to achieve peaceful transition, the Opposition Party promised, and then the Parliament of Chile gave, him legal immunity. This type of arrangement happens not only in Chile, but also in other Latin American countries like Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico.

    The good side of this type of arrangement is it stops further bloodshed. The bad side is citizens against whom heinous crimes are committed cannot get justice; that is why, since they cannot sue former government officials in their own country, people against whom crimes were committed are suing, unsuccessfully, former government officials in the regional Latin American Human Rights court.
    Therefore, I think we cannot simply disregard what the Professor is saying; it has some merits. But the Professor should stop his “ad hominem” attack against prominent persons that choose other forms of struggle; that is what we should tell him to stop. We should tell him rather to concentrate on debating against the ideas of these persons; we should tell him to focus on the issue, the merits and limitations of the two forms of struggle, and whether they can be complimentary or not. The Professor should know that we benefit from a healthy debate, but not from character assassination.

  12. Few months ago all members of Kinijit – I mean ALL – were advocates of “national reconciliation”. Somebody tell me if I’m wrong. We all heard this and said “Amen”. But I wonder how we fail to understand “national reconciliation” without “forgiveness”. These two are inseparable, indivisible and mutually exclusive. To the best of my understanding, Prof. Mesfin reiterated the essence of “national reconciliation” from an angle of “forgiveness”. If we all agree on this and consider ourselves as advocates of “national reconciliation” then why all theses bolt from the blue on Prof Mesfin? The then Kinijit, from its eloquent leaders down to its rank and file members and Diaspora supporters promoted “national reconciliation”. As a legal and moral heir of Kinijit, UDJ continues to advocate “national reconciliation”. That is what we heard from Prof Mesfin. I hope this is the stand of G-7 too. Even that of Hailu Shawel’s AEUP/Kinijit/ (however they call themselves) . . . .

  13. ኣንተ ማነህ
    የፕሮፈሰር ተማሪ ኣንተ አደለህም
    ልትሆንም አትችልም መልክትህ በግልጽ ይናገራል
    ይህን ስትጽፍ አንባቢውን አስበህ ነበር ወይ ነዉስ መስፍንን ስለማትወዳቸው ነው ?
    ፕሮፈሰር መስፍን መተኪያ የለላቸዉ ጀግና መሆናችውን መላዉ የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ያውቃል ብዙ ሰርተዋል
    የመብት ተማጋች መሆናቸውን ሕዝቡ የማያውቅ መሰለህ
    የሚገርመኝ ምን አይነት ስዎች መሆናችን ነው ጥሩ የሚሰራን ሰው ለማዳከም እንደኛ የሚጥር የለም መጥፎ የሚሰራን ሰው ደግሞ ለማበረታታት የሚሆነን የለም
    ማክበር የምትባል ነገር ከእኛ ጋር ያለችም ሓሳባቸውን መቃዎም አንድ ነገር ነው ግን እርሳቸውን ለማጥፋት ወይም ዝቅ ለማድረግ ሀሰት መደርደር ምን ይባላል ለምን እውነትን ለመናገር አንሞክርም
    በኢትዮጵያ ና በሱዳን ደንበር በሚገባ ተንትነው ምን እንደ ሚመስል ያስረዱት የእርሳቸውን ትልቅነት በሚገባ ያሳያል
    መሬትን ያህል ነግር በጥናት አቅርቦ ለትውልድ ማስተላለፍ ቅላል ነገር አይደለም

  14. ፕሮፈሰር የመሩትን ስብሰባ ተከታትየዋለሁ::በአመዛኙ ሀሳባቸውን የምጋራው ብሆንም ከአጀንዳ ውጭ ስለሌሎች ድርጅቶች ብለው የተናገሩትን ትልቅ ስህተት ሆኖ አግኝቸዋለሁ::የአንድነት ፓርቲ ደጋፊ ከመሆኔ አንጻር;እርሳቸው በጣም መተቸታቸው ቅር ቢያሰኘኝም;የትችቱ መንስኤ ግን ራሳቸው መሆናቸውን በድፍረት መጠቆም እፈልጋለሁ::ሰው የሚሞቀው ራሱ ያነደደውን እሳት ነው::እርሳቸውም ሌሎቹን ቅቤ አይደለም የቀቡዋቸው::ስለዚህ ይቻሉት::ይህን ደፍሮ አለመናገር እና ይባስ ብሎ ለምን ተተቹ?ብሎ መቆጣት;ለእርሳቸውም;ለኛም አይጠቅምም::በቀጣይም ለተመሳሳይ ስህተት መዳረግ ይሆንብናል::
    አክባሪዎ ሳምሶን ነኝ::

  15. A bitter old man who has outlived his usefullness.
    He is sinking in the gutter day by day.

    Only the Ethiopian people have the power to forgive
    Meles and his treasonous act not some turncoat old man
    who is really becoming an eye sore

  16. If the good old professor has a problem,he should be told the truth. At least the author of this article owes him the truth. Any one of the high profile opposition leaders have their own weakness and strengths. If we lived in a democratic society, every individual who is running for office would present his credentials to the voters. In addition to that, the free press scrutinizes the individuals. We don’t have this kind of culture, we are just starting to do that. So, what is all the fuss about that. I think everyone who puts himself up for leading the struggle in Ethiopia is a fair game. If we all are going to follow their leadership, we need information about each one.

  17. It is absolutely outrageous for Ethiopia to have such disgraceful person as Pr. Mesfine is. I find this gentleman arrogant, inconsiderate and shallow. Shortly after I have done with listening to his speech, I went to the bathroom to throw up. His speech made feel sick. He shows lack of respect for his fellow Ethiopians and the people as a whole. Sounds like he lives in isolation and his idea of peace is nothing but hotchpotch because it has nothing to do with what Ethiopia is encountering. He was so busy of talking about how important he is and his truth but the rest is garbage.

    Thanks but no thanks Mr. know it all!!

    Gudue Kassa

    God Bless Ethiopia

  18. “endesera aygedel” Yemibalwe ye newe. What is wrong prof.? It is not acceptable. i think this is a time we have to look a good nursing home for you and Hailu Shawle.

  19. The profesor is addicted to prolong all regims he has been going through and the same can be said about the current regime. H e thinks that it is deep to give more attention to the so called ” traditional ethiopian thinking” with out defining it propoerlly what it is and how it works in this modern era. weyane is the most millisious government a world have seen, as it has succeded not only to kill and simile at the same time but succsesfully hiding it from the world to see it. the profesor is to olddays to lead a struggel aganist weyane, as he already feels that he has been at the top of the mauntain.

    Profesor – let the generation deal with weyane, and don´t chalange us to cross the line and disrespect those who have been fatherlly to our people. Then you will say, that these people have no ethiopian cultural decensy just to get it right at the last moment.

  20. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee let us exchange ideas but let us strictly respect individual’s idea or believes . All of you who use this cite to spell out your thought mostly mention the word “right”. Is that difficult to implement it by respecting the right of others? If I believe that in Ethiopia power shouldn’t be transferred by bullet, my friend may believe it should be. Are we going to start fighting or shall we debate on the pros and cons of both ideas?

    Any one interested to comment on this is appreciated

  21. You people amazed me so much.

    Aren’t you from one family called “Ethiopia”?

    Is it necessary to have such a complete difference in views and understanding of what your country needs right this moment? When do you learn to respect to one another as Ethiopians and have a common ground to go ahead to the future.

    Sometimes its wise to admit your weakness and be open to learn even from your enemy. Look at the Eritreans – they are not perfect but they have one thing in common that binds them as one family – they are ONE when it comes to Eritrea.

    Look at you! Go back and read what you wrote in this page. Does it tell you are on the same page when it comes to Ethiopia. NO.

    Please lets come out of hatered and divisions among us.

    The problem is we don’t want to be told, instead to tell others. And that’s what I call it “Neftegnanet”


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