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Why is Meles going after OPDO?

Ethiopia’s dictator Meles Zenawi is going after officials and members of the Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (OPDO) with a vengeance these days. So far over 150 officials and hundreds of members have been thrown in jail charged with corruption.

Ethiopian Review has interviewed Col. Abebe Geresu about the mass purging inside OPDO.

OPDO is one of the five parties that make up the the TPLF-dominated ruling coalition, Ethiopian People’s Democratic Front (EPRDF).

Col. Abebe left the current regime 2 years ago along with Gen. Kemal Gelchu and 600 other high- and mid-ranking officers mostly from OPDO.

The interview is in Amharic. Read below:

ጥያቄና መልስ ከኮ/ል አበበ ገረሱ ጋር

ጥያቄ – በቅርቡ የመለስ ዜናዊ አገዛዝ በርካታ ባለስልጣኖችን እያሰረና ከስራ እያባረረ ይጋኛል። ከሚታሰሩት መካከል አብዛኛዎቹ የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ዲሞክራሴያዊ ድርጅት (ኦህዴድ ) ኣባላት ናቸው። ለምን መለሰ ዜናዊ የኢህአዴግ አባል ድርጅት የሆነውን የኦህዴድን አመራር አባላት ማሰር የጀመረ ይመስሎታል?

መልስ- መጀመሪያ ለጥያቄህ በጣም አመሰግንሃለሁ። ኦህዴድ ድርጅት ተብሎ ይጠራ እንጅ የድርጅት ህልውና ያልነበረው ነው። ኣቶ መለሰ ዜናዊ በአንድ ወቅት «ኦህደድ ታክቲካዊ ድርጅት እንጂ ስትራትጅካዊ ድርጅት ኣይደለም» ብሎ ነበር። ሌላም ጊዜ «ኦህዴድ ሲፋቅ ኦነግ ይወጣዋል» እያለ በፊት ሌላ በኋላ ሌላ ወይም ፈጣን ሎተሪ ኣይነት ድርጅት መሆኑን በተደጋጋሚ እየገለጸ ቆይቷል። ለዚህም ምክንያቱ ኦህዴድ የሚባለው ድርጅት ወያኔዎች ወደ ኦሮሞ መሬት ለመግባት እርግጠኞች በነበሩበት ጊዜ ኦሮሞን የሚመስል ድርጅት ኣይነት ይዞ መሄድ የግድ ስለነበረባቸው ኦሮምኛ ተናጋሪ የደርግ ሰራዊት ምርከኞችን ኣሰባስቦ በድርጅት መልክ ማደራጀት ስለነበረበት በኣቶ ክንፈ ገብረመድህን በኩል ኣደራጃቸው። በዛኑ ዘመን «መደራጀታችን ለምን ያስፈልጋል፥ የኦሮሞ ድርጅት ኦነግ ኣለ?» ብሎ የጠየቁትን ኣጠፏቸው። ከዚያ በኋላ ምንም ማሰብ የማይችሉትን ምርኮኛች ወታደሮችን እነ ኩማ ደመቅሳ፥ እነ ኣባ ዱላ ገመዳ፥ እነ ኢብራሂም መልካና ባጫ ደበሌ የተባሉትን ዋነኞቹ የኦህዴድ ኣመራሮች ኣድርጎ ጉዞውን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ቀጠለ።

ከዚህ በኋላ ነው እንግዲህ ወያኔዎች ኦህዴድ ታክቲካዊ ድርጅትነቱን በግልጽ መጠቀም የጀመረው። ኢህኣዴግ አዲስ አበባን በተቆጣጠረ ማግስት በ1984 ዓ/ም መቱ ላይ ኦህዴድ ባደረገው ግምገማ ላይ በአንድ ጀንበር 400 ሰው አባረረ። ቀጥሎ በታጠቅ ጦር ሰፈር 16,000 የኦሮሞ ካድሬዎችን ካሰለጠነ በኋላ የደርግ ምርኮኞችን በሙሉ አባሮ የአካል ምርኮኞች ብቻ ሳይሆኑ የአዕምሮ ምርኮኞችን ኣመራር እንዲሆኑለት ለይቶ አስቀራቸው። «ትግላችን ካለፈው ይልቅ ቀጣይ፥ ውስብስና አስቸጋሪ ነው። በመሆኑም አዲሱን የትግል መስመራችንን መቀጥል የምንችለው ንቅል የሆነው ታጋይ ሳይሆን አዲሱ ትውልድ ነው በሚል» ነባሩ የኦህዴድ ታጋዮችን «ፈርተሃል፣ ጠጥተሃል፣ ሰርቀሃል፣ ትግሬዎችን ትጠላለህ፣ የደርግ ሰራዊት ናችሁ፣ የደርግ አመለካከት አለቀቃችሁም፣ ጠባብ አመለካከት አላቹ» በሚሉ ሰበቦች የአህዴድን ታጋዮች ማሰር፣ ማባረር እና ደብዛችውን ማጥፋት የጀመረው አሁን ሳይሆን ከ1984 ዓ.ም ጀምሮ ነው።

የኦህዴድ ምክትል ሊቀ መንበር የነበሩት ኣቶ ኢብራሂም መልካም ሙስና በሚል ሰበብ የተባረሩት ትንሽ ከሌሎች ምርከኞች የተሻለ ህዝባዊ አመለካከት ስለነበራቸዉ ነበር። ሌሎችም በዚሁ በተልካሻ ምክንያቶች ተባረዋል። ወያኔ እነ ኣቶ ባዩን በመኪና ገጭቶ የገደለው በዚሁ ምክንያት ነበረ። ዛሬም ወያኔ የኦህዴድን ባለስልጣኖች ከክልሉ ምክትል ፕሬዝዳንት ጀምሮ በገፍ ማሰር የጀመረው ሙስና በሚል ሰበብ ነው። በእርግጥ በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ሙስና፣ ዘረፋ እና የንጹሃንን ዜጎች ዳም ማፍሰስ ወንጀል ቢሆን ኖሮ ክአቶ መለሰ ዜናዊ፣ ወ/ሮ አዜብ መስፍን እና ጀሌዎቻቸው በላይ በወንጅል የተዘፈቀ ያለ አይመስለኝም። ነገሩ ሌላ ነው።

የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ብሶቱ ጣራ ደርሶ ሊፈነዳ በደረሰበት ባሁኑ ሰዓት እነ መለስ ዜናዊ የዚህን ህዝብ ሃብት፣ ንብረቱን እና መሬቱን እየቀሙ ለጀሌዎቻቸውና ለ ባዕዳን ሃገሮች ባለ ሃብት ሽጠው ስለበሉ የኦሮሞን ህዝብ አመለካከት በኦህዴድ አመራሮች አሳብበን እንቀይራለን በሚል ግዜ ያለፈበት የወያኔ ከፋፍለ ግዛ አስተሳሰብ ነው።

ይህ ደግሞ ኦህዴድን ለዋውጦ የኦሮሞን ህዝብ በማታለል ተቃውሞን እና ህዝባዊ አመጽን ለማፈን ፈጽሞ የማይቻል፣ ነገር ግን የአምባገነን መሪዎች በውድቀታቸው ዋዜማ ላይ የሚያደርጉት መፍጨርጨር አንዱ አካል ነው።

የኦሮሞ ህዝብ የወያኔ ስርኣት ቃር ቃር ካለው ሃያ ዓመታትን አስቆጥሯል። ከአንግዲህ ወዲህ ወያኔ የኦህዴድን ባለስልጣኖች አሰራቸውም ኣባረራቸውም ገደላቸውም የኦሮሞ ህዝብ ከሌሎች ኢትዮጵያ ህዝቦች ጋር ወያኔን ለአንዴና ለመጨረሻ ጊዜ ከራሱ ጫንቃ ላይ ካልጣለው በሃገሪትዋ ውስጥ ፍትህና ሰላም ምንም ቢሆን ሊመጣ ስለማይችል ህዝባዊ ትግሉን አጠናክሮ ይቀጥላል እንጂ ለኣፍታም ቢሆን ህዝባዊ ነውጡ በወያኔ ድራማ ሊገታ አይችልም። መሰረቱ የበሰበስውን ቤት ጣራውን ቢጠግኑት ቤት ሊሆን አይችልም። መሰረት የለውምና።

ጥያቄ – በሌሎቹ የኢህኣዴግ ድርጅቶች ለምን ተመሳሳይ ሁኔታ ኣልተከሰተም?

መልስ – በሌሎቹ ድርጅቶች ያልተነሳበት ምክንያት ኣሁን ህዝባዊ ነውጡ ወያኔን ያሳጋ ያለው ወይም ሕዝባዊ ነውጡ ይነሳል ተብሎ የሚጠበቀው በኦሮምያ ክልልና ኣዲስ ኣበባ ዙሪያ በመሆኑና ተቃዋሚ የኦሮሞ ድርጅቶች በሕዝብ ውስጥ የሚሰሩት ስራ ወያኔን በከፍተኛ ጭንቀት ውስጥ በመጣሉ ነው ዘመቻውን ኣስቀደሞ በኦህዲድ ድርጅት ባለስልጣናት ላይ የከፈተው።

ሁለተኛ፣ ሌሎች ድርጅቶች የሚባሉትስ እነማን ናቸው? በኢህኣዴግ ኣባል ድርጅቶች ውስጥ ኣንደኛው ህወሓት (ወያኔ) ነው። ህወሓት ማለት የመለስ ጉዳይ ኣስፈጻሚ ስለሆነ ምንም ዓይነት ችግር የሚያመጣ ኣይደለም። ብኣዴን ከሆነ ከኣዲሱ ለገሰ እና ከተፈራ ዋልዋ ውጭ ሌሎቹ ኣማርኛ ተናጋሪ ትግሪዎችና የመለስ ዜናዊ ቡችሎች የነበሩ ናቸው። ዴህዴግ የሚባሎት ድሮውኑ መለስ «ስዕብና የሌላቸው ሰዎች ስብስብ» ነው ብሏቸዋል። ሌሎችን ኣጋር ደጋፊ በሚል የኢህኣዴግ ተጎታቾች ኣድጓቸዋል። ለማናቸውም ተጎታች ድርጅቶቹ ሁሉ የሚቀርላቸው ጉዳይ ኣይደለም።

ጥያቄ – ይህ ሁኔታ ወዴት የሚያመራ ይመስልዎታል?

መልስ – ይህ ሁኔታ የሚያመራው ወያኔ የግዛት ዘመኑ ያከተመ መሆኑን በግልጽ የሚጠቁም ነው። የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ የወያኔ ስርዓት ኣንገሽግሾታል። ወያኔ በኢትዮጵያኖች ዘንድ በዝረራ የተሸነፈው በምርጫ 97 ነበር። ነገር ግን በማን ኣለብኝነት የሕዝቦችን ድምጽ በሰራዊት ሃይል ኣፍኖ ነበር እስከዛሬ ድረስ በስልጣን ላይ ያለው። የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ የራሱ የመከላከያ ሰራዊት የለውም። ኣሁን ያለው ሰራዊት የወያኔ የግል ሰራዊት ወይም የትግራይ ሚሊሻዎች፣ ማለትም የነመለስ የግላቸው ሰራዊት እንጂ ያገር ሰራዊት ኣይደለም። በመሆኑም ወያኔ ዛሬም ድረስ በነዚህ በግሉ ሰራዊት ኣባላት የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ ተቃውሞ እና ኣመጽን ለማፈን እስከመጨረሻ መጣጣሩ ኣይቀርም። ነገር ግን ወያኔ ምንም ያክል በትግራይ ልጆች ብቻ የሚመራውን ሕዝባዊነት የሌለው ወይም የኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ ሰራዊት ያልሆነውን ነፍሰገዳይ ስራዊት ቢያከማችም ወያኔና ሰራዊቱ የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ ሊያሸንፉት ኣይችሉም። የወያኔ ሰራዊትም የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ ደም ኣፍስሶ የትም ሊያመልጥ ኣይችልም። ኣቶ መለስ ዜናዊም የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ ኣስጨፍጭፎ ከዚህ በፊት እንደተዋረዱት አንምገነን መሪዎች ተዋርደው በጦር ወንጀለኛነት ከመጠየቅ ኣያመልጥም። በርግጠኝነት ሁኔታው የሚያመራው ወደዚህ ነው።

አሁን እነ መለስ ዜናዊ ኦህዴድን ባለስልጣኖች ቢያስሩም፣ ቢፈቱም፣ ቢያባርሩም፣ የስልጣን ዘመናቸውን ሊያራዝምላቸው የሚችል ኣይመስለኝም። ስለዚህ የወያኔ ባለስልጣኖች በኢትዮጵያኖች ዘንድ ቃር ቃር ያለዉን ድራማቸውን ትተው የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ ይቅርታ ጠይቀው በሰላማዊ መንገድ ስልጣኑን ለሕዝብ ቢያስረክቡ አገሪቱን ከከፋ ጥፋት ሊታደጉና እነሱም ከወንጀለኝነት ሊድኑ ይችላሉ። ያላቻዉም የማጨረሻ ምርጫ ይሄ ብቻ ነው። ኣለበለዚያ የወያኔ ስርዓት በከፍተኛ ሕዝባዊ ነውጥ ተመቶ ወደ ግባኣተ መሬቱ የሚመለስበት ዋዜማ ላይ ደርሷል።

17 thoughts on “Why is Meles going after OPDO?

  1. WE are ready. ‘BEQA’ is in full swing. call your family/friends and tell them to be a part of history. For once and for all let`s STOP dictatorship in Ethiopia. Let`s show the world yesterday is history and we are the people of the future. WE MAKE SURE THAT NO ONE THAT HAS HURT OUR GENERATION AND STEAL ALL RESOURCES WHILE THE PEOPLE STARVE AND DIE escape justice. There will be no save heaven for these thugs called Meles/Azeb/Bereket/Sibehat and so on. Let`s tell the world that either you are with us, the people of Ethiopia or with the thives and thugs called Meles and associates. WE WILL DO IT! Mesqel square get READY!

  2. Meles is like a round worm [Ascaris]. As a parasite, he takes shelter and nourishes himself to survive and then he eats his shelter to extend his life line. I think Shabia has the scar to show along with many of Meles’s former partners. OPDO’s latest experience is no different. It is a clear pattern. OPDO is a collection of opportunist gangsters. If they are to be consumed by Zenawi’s venomous hunger, I will share my shred of tears only for the purpose of laughing on their losing soul.

  3. It is a good news in the way that no more cadre left to agitate one ethnic group on the other. Like many blind “patriot” Amharas, OPDO has been an obstacle for Oromo and Amhara alliance.

  4. Jimma, Yes we can Bro. come on my people lets do it!!!!

    WE are ready. ‘BEQA’ is in full swing. call your family/friends and tell them to be a part of history. For once and for all let`s STOP dictatorship in Ethiopia. Let`s show the world yesterday is history and we are the people of the future. WE MAKE SURE THAT NO ONE THAT HAS HURT OUR GENERATION AND STEAL ALL RESOURCES WHILE THE PEOPLE STARVE AND DIE escape justice. There will be no save heaven for these thugs called Meles/Azeb/Bereket/Sibehat and so on. Let`s tell the world that either you are with us, the people of Ethiopia or with the thives and thugs called Meles and associates. WE WILL DO IT! Mesqel square get READY!

  5. Folks: We should stop blaming the victims even if they have erred because of the very fact that the ONLY power holder having real power over all Ethiopians including the OPDO, the other affiliate organizations, the outgunned and the excluded independent opposition as well as other 80 million Ethiopians is simply the camouflaged chameleon brutal tyrant dictator Zenawi.

    The chameleon tyrant blames traders for his own faults just to put division and conflict between the people and the traders. ‘

    The chameleon tyrant accuses and blames the opposition for his own 20 years bad governance and excludes them from rightful participating in the affairs of their rightful country as well as trying to plant conflict and division between the opposition and the Ethiopian people in order to extend his through corrupt dictatorship.

    The cunning fox dictator secretly with remote control gets the good churches and mosques to the ground just like Mubarak trying to create emotional upheavals and blind animosities between the good communities in order to legitimize his hedonistic brutal dictatorship as being peace and security maker in the face of an impending violence and and bloodbath.

    The cunning fox dictator agitates and calls to arms the poor Ethiopian people to fight poor Eritreans, poor Egyptians, poor Somalis, etc. just to divert attention from his internal enslavement, land grabbing, financial, material and resource robbing by the dictator and his through corrupt family circles.

    He crushed the CUD uprising by keeping Oromos divided, passive to his rising power monopoly.
    He keeps neutralizing the Oromo aspiration for equality and justice by dividing the Amahars and keeping them passive and insensitive to the Oromo issues.

    The list is very long. But the question now is to wake up in unity within diversity whether we are Amharas, Oromos, Somalis, Sidamas,etc. Christians, Muslims, any region, legal oppositions, other opposition, affiliated to the ruling tplf junta as well as all Ethiopians.

    The Ethiopian people need civilian and military defectors from the tyrannical junta and side with the Ethiopian people and democratic participative good governance building. All fingers needs to point ONLY at the tyrannical divisive Wayane dictatorship. Otherwise scarce human, material, financial,know-how, etc. will be unnecessarily squandered.

    The logic of an effective social movement needs to apply. That is to say, conscious and active activists need to go on the march in the forefront in order to play the leadership and and role model positions. Fearlessness and sustainability needs to be built in to the actions.

    Neutral bystanders need to be agitated and converted in to the active activists and join the role models. Opponents need to be neutralized using positive intensives as well as carrots and at times sticks too.

    This needs to be followed by attracting and converting them in to activists against the tyranny. In short, this means that every one are real and potential supporters of the people’s struggle depending on the unities, creativity, vigor, sustainability and viability actions and images of the leaders both from the back and the front end.

    Yes we can! Passion and hope needs to be spread among the people in their own languages and at the level of their understanding.

    “A leader is Dealer in HOPE.” ~Napoleon Bonaparte :)

  6. The growing uneasiness of the government of Melese Zenawi over the prospect of popular uprising (HIZBAWI AMESE) in Ethiopia is undisputed truth. The main cause of this concern could be the political, social and economic problem of Ethiopia is in sordid circumstances than the conditions of many Arab nations that participated in the uprising demanding the removal of their respective tyrants in their nation. This fact alone can be alarm for the government.

    In the past three monthes, true enough, we watched each movement, though it may appear each was ill prepared at first, registering significant gains in the quest for freedom, democracy, and justice. We have witnessed the peaceful removal of tyrants in Tunisia, Egypt.And in much different way we have come to witness the escalation of war against ill armed citizens in Libya by Gaddafi and frantic effort to quash the popular protest in Yemen by Ali Abdullah Saleh.

    In all this though, what has became clear is the fact that Tyranny and dictatorship is fast being consigned to its historical past. What is more, the spirit of the time is such that, the growing number of western nations and citizens are also demanding the end to the symbiosis relationship between the west and tyrannical regimes in the third world nations. There is growing awareness that Citizens and political activists are increasingly demanding western aid be drastically curtailed to tyrannical regimes, and any bilateral aid be made on strict compliance of democratic governance that will assure free election.

    It comes without saying the need for uprising in Ethiopia is inevitable-there might even be a creeping uprising under way as we speak. But the question is when will the nation wide peaceful protest take place? In these trying and fluid political circumstances, the nervousness of the government is expected. And this new arrest of the suspected opposition members is directly associated with this new developments.
    At the same time, some leaders of political parties need be watchful of the credibility statements they make to news organizations. We need to be truthful to ourselves and to the people we claim to represent by refraining from making exaggerated statements such as this one.

    “Anyone who speaks the language and does not belong to the ruling party is a suspect and can be taken to prison any time,” said Bekele Gerba.
    If the motive of the government was to put away every one who speak different language than Tigrigna and none EPRDF members, certainly the round up could have included all none Tigrians.Let us cultivate an atmosphere where by the truth can be loved and cherished.

  7. Thanks Col. Abebe Geresu, Congratulations for reconciliation on OLF internal divisions. It is really, simple and clear, wonderful political analysis. Would the OLF declare at this moment to reconcile with other opposition parties to work under one Ethiopia umbrella? Could OLF officially announce clearly and simply to dismiss the separatist movement and announcing OLF and Ethiopia are one? These answers might intensify or degrade the very soon coming uprising in the heart of Ethiopia the struggle for democracy, justice and freedom. Beka, Gaye!

  8. #9.Haile,

    Knowingly or unknowingly You are still at your shameless divisive adventure just like Wayane if you are not already a Wayane agent, hammering the same old Wayane propaganda declaring itself as a single and the ONLY gate keeper of the Ethiopian unity while secretly building and preparing its region for its final independent retreat.

    Wayane calls some as useless Naftagnas while branding others as separatists calling some Naftagnas and the other separates just to collect credits home for its own brutal survival when the so called “Natagnas” and the so called “separatists” are at aech others throats for the coming 300 years with Wayane firmly on driver’s seat.

    In a democratic, egalitarian and sustainable economic development environments of welfare and well-beings for all I doubt if there will ever be Any need of “Nafatgnism” and “separatism.” Leave the propaganda and the useless political rhetoric to the past, to the injustices and to the inequalities we are all together wishing replace with the new democratic Ethiopia.

    Defeat your fear or else your fear will defeat you like always.

  9. I am not worried very much about the OPDO. I am really worried about the people of Gambella. The crime that has been committed against our people in Gambella is more than any thing that could incite an immediate national uprising.

    Meles and his government has committed a crime by taking away the land of the people of Gambella by force. He sold a land that belongs to the
    people of Gambella who cannot protect their basic natural rights legally or forcefully. All citizens of the nation must come together and stop such a modern madness.

    subletting the land of the people is declaring death sentence against our people in Gambella. It means destroying irreplaceable forest. Which implies leaving people of Gambella without any subsistence economy. Simply if their land which is the size of Wales is transferred to foreign nationals. It is modern colonization by other means. We must stop it. People of the Ethiopian Empire unite and save the people of Gambella. OPDOs did it to themselves, they have been told several times and I am not sorry for them but it will be a good lesson for any body under the influence the Ethiopian regime including individuals from Tigray nation. Destroying the whole land of the Gambela nation is an international and national crime. The current government of Ethiopia must be taken to court and punished for it. I call to all people of the Ethiopian empire to unite and oust the current government. It is creating and causing a damage that has not been committed by any government in that country in the past.

    Melese thinks that he can reverse the tide of national uprising of the Oromo people by burning natural forests in South and the West and that is a deadly wrong assumption. If people revolt against any government they just come out to the public arenas and fight their government and create a new government of their own. Meles’s government is not an exception and must stop burning and selling our land to foreign nationals. He is contradicting himself all the way on the international news media. Please refer to his interviews with different media since he came to power about the land ownership. He is Shylock of the new era.

    The confisication of the land of the Gambella people is tantamount to declaring open war against the Oromians and all Ethiopians. Nothing less and nothing more. be ware of it. It is death sentence passed against the Ethiopian people including Tigrayans. The govenment of Melese Zenawi must go; it has committed a crime that cannot be reversed for genertion by the Ethiopian people against of our beautiful environment and national wealth. Jingo,brutal, selfish, moyopic and criminal leadeship groups.

  10. I wish the OLF should giv up its separatist philosophy, instead join the other Ethiopian opposition groups under one united Ethiopia under the democratic principles and the rule of law. The dreams of all the oromos is exactly the same as other Ethiopians. Ethiopians must get rid of the ethno politics. This is the main reasons that the bloody and dirty woyanes under the banda zenawi plays his dirty game.

    I hope the OLF shall without any condition go back to Ethiopianism. There all belongs. Separatism shall never help the cause of the oromo people…………….unity is the solution.

    Thank yo::

  11. # 8 and 12,

    You are both Weyane cadres. Why are u too obsessed with OLF? Whether u like it or not, Oromia will be the burial place for TPLF. Be it as a part of all Ethiopian movements or by itself, OLF/OPDO will dislodge TPLF once and for all. The time bomb Weyane buried 20 years ago in Ethiopian soil is ticking and will explode on its face any time soon.

  12. It is not a very strategic issue that concern most of people who drum on unity of the country. The country has been disunited while it is superficially seemed to be united under the current government. what are you saying when you say unity? The current government has done more than what will have happened during the future independence of Oromia. Are you dreaming for essence or just talk about unity for the sake of talking. Is there any unity now? And there will not be unity under such a government as far as I am concerned.

    To tell and teah people about unity you have to have a ground that allows you to do that. There has never been any environment in Ethiopia that allowed people to become one and the same in any mode of their existence and living conditions and mind set ups. Repression, prison, murder, banishment, punishment, segregation of all forms and abuse of Rule of Law by a guardian of the people rule have destroyed the fabric of unity in the country.. Stop talking none senses, and make senses to your political out look and objectivities. There is not ground for unity in Ethiopia but I hope there could probably united front that fend of the enemy of unity for our future generations. When a government is knowingly foment religious riots amongst its people there cannot be unity. When the government is knowingly arm one ethnic group to kill others’ there will not be unity amongst people. When a Tigrayan Prime minister in wholesale assigns power to Tigrayan born and friends’ there cannot be friendship amongst our people; when the commoners who could have owned decent place to pass quiet nights do sleep for years under no sheds without food in their bellies someone cannot expect unity. Disunity is fomented since 1991. Disunity was built since 150 years ago. We can create brand new and original unity if and only if we stop thinking the old fashioned ways. Let us be realistic. To create Suprastracture and Infrastructure of true and genuine unity we have to change our old ideas and start think fresh and roll up our sleeves to work very hard for an intended democratic
    Unity. See Europe; Look at the Netherlands. If even if you had read the ancient Italian history you may understand what I am trying to tell you. I could even add to that I do not see an absolute unity among the people of Unite Kingdom. Go and read their history and you will hear what I am yelling at you with my pen.

    The oromo people have conducted a principled struggle for many years and their goals are very achievable and their freedom is the freedom of all Ethiopians. We are dominantly coveing the face of East Africa let alone Ethiopia. We may be able to unite the whole of East Africa if we regain our intended true freedom. Without truest freedom and independence of the Oromians there cannot be freedom for others. Hear me; understand me; listen to me; this is the truth. We must create a united front to defeat the current government and build the infrastructure for unity. Dialogue is the way out and there cannot be unity without genuine negotiations. Some of our friends are not willing to listen to what Oromians want to tell them. That means they are not for unity. You cannot clap with only one hand; that is what most of you are trying to do currently.

  13. The ethnicist woyane gagsters use ethnic groups they created in their own mould as long as they serve the purpose of the woyane mafia. these groups created and nurtured by the woyane hate and divisive politics are in effect prisoners of the woyane mafia. as soon as they raise any questions concerning malpractice, the nepotism, corruption and intimidation of the woyane, the woyane go after them and demolish them . this has been the pattern over the years. so it is not surprising that today the violent woyane gangsters are chasing out their own puppets out of office. These puppet ethnic organisations hatched by the woyane have short term life. They serve no purpose other than that of the woyane.

  14. I think an independent Oromia in an integrated Ethiopia is the possible compromise solution for the hitherto face-off between the pro-independence Oromo forces and the pro-integration Amhara forces, so that they can work together to help the revolution erupt and to get rid of the fascist and racist Woyane together. As far as we, the Oromo, are concerned, I hope all the Oromo patriots in all organizations will agree with each other in the future and act in tandem to struggle for Oromian independence and Oromian unity, also taking into consideration the the necessary unity of the region at the following levels:

    – at Finfinne level: to attain and maintain Finfinne as a core of our Oromo nation, which is like our Oromo heart, and promote it to be the capital, the center and the core of all the other levels of unity; i.e the core of the unity at the level of Oromia, level of Ethiopia, level of the Horn and level of Africa.

    – at Oromian level: in addition to having Finfinne as a core, to attain and maintain our national liberty and national unity in a form of Oromian independence and Oromian integration unconditionally, because Oromia is like our Oromo body.

    – at Ethiopian level: after securing Oromian independence and Oromian unity, we do have no problem with a possible Ethiopian union, which can be considered as our Oromo inner clothing, like a shirt, which we can put on or take off based on our political will and our necessity.

    – at the Horn level: a union, which will be based and build on an independent and an integrated Oromia, will be just advantageous for Oromia in particular, and for the Horn region in general, which is our Oromo middle clothing, like a coat.

    – at African level: a federation/union with Finfinne as its capital or with Oromia as a center of African politics is simply a glory for Oromia, which is like our Oromo overcoat.

    I believe our colonizers (Abyssinian ruling class) also will be compelled in due time to learn accepting and respecting this vision as their own long term goal. Hopefully, the popular mass of both the Amhara and the Tigrai also will slowly but surely start to struggle for the self-determination of their own nations in order to then forge the lasting commonly advantageous union of independent nations in the Horn region.

  15. Stop being emotional and use tact! Those of you blaming OPDO give it a rest and see the big picture. Young and talented Oromo intellectuals are leading the charge within OPDO making the Meles tyrant regime very scared by demanding changes. This is the time to exploit the crack and build tactical alliance with OPDO defectors and work within to ignite the movement. Those of you who jump the gun and dwell on old grudges are missing the opportunity by continuing the old and tired ways by exhorting to name calling instead of seizing the moment and defend this people tactfully. Join OPDO and dismantle this regime!

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