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A question to Kuma Demeksa and Dula Aba Gemeda

Kuma Demeksa, Dula Aba Gemeda, and Alemayehu Atomsa are the most favorite puppets of Ethiopia’s khat-addicted tyrant Meles Zenawi. They have been appointed by Meles as top officials of Oromo People’s Democratic Organization (OPDO) to represent Oromia Region in his government. Alemayehu Atomsa is the current president of Oromia. The question to these three pigs is: Why is there a famine in the fertile Oromia region, and no food shortage in the dry Tigray region?

The following USAID map shows the current famine in the Horn of Africa that is threatening 10 million people. Most of the famine victims live in Oromia, a region that is rich in natural resources and has several rivers that are now being irrigated for flower farm. Over 1.3 million hectares of fertile land in the Oromia region alone has been sold by Meles to Saudi, Indian and Chinese companies to grow flower and food crops for export.

62 thoughts on “A question to Kuma Demeksa and Dula Aba Gemeda

  1. Desalegn 48,
    Am sorry but are you talking about Eritreans? There are two Tigrigna speaking people if you do not know: Tigreans and Eritreans. The idea you wrote above matches pefectly the Eritrean askaris, not Tigreans.

  2. The so called 3000 years history of Ethiopia is really history of Tigray. Tigray have been at the top of the world during the Axumawit kingdom. You might not like it but Tigray will be at the top again. Tigrayan’s are willing to give everything to develop their state. Sooner or later you will learn that civilzations comes from the mind and work of a human being not from forest and rivers. If one have the right knowledge and technology, it is easy to change your environment. Don’t just show hatered. Try to soleve Ethiopia’s problem using rational analysis that is based on real data.

  3. response to fact
    wedew aysiku yilu neber wiezero tebletse. don’t worry when all those stolen land and money gets returned to the righful owners you will go back to square one begging. this time every one is awake so your kids will pay it.

  4. Sem,

    Although, much gratitude for support, I think you are a bit exaggerating regarding Eritrea and and in your eye of course Eritrea and its leaders never do wrong..


    We must investigate what is happening to Ethiopia, but in terms of revenge and anger, that is exactly what TPLF regime and its stooges want us to do, hate like them so that they want to prove it to international community there are ethnic hateful people in Ethiopia and will give them reason to use the “genocide” word. It could also be those comments that may come from Shaebia is also to divide us and to bring hate which we never had before. So let have more wisdom than them, the enemies of Ethiopia. In stead, we should tackle the problem carefully, consciously, with wisdom as our past leaders, Kings used to do especially against outside force. Yes, I am now beginning to believe we are better off back during the kings than today, even back then there was oppression, feudalism but at least the kings would have the excuse to say they were ignorant then, not educated and yet, they have the wisodm. BTW, feudalism is on the way now and it is no different, in fact, worse now than it was before. In the past, prior TPLF regime people of Tigray and Eritrea had amicable relationship with the rest of Ethiopia because I am the living witness as I was in the 80s, today, these people became enemies of the rest of Ethiopia in the name of leadership and Amara. They use past leaders and Amara to become the enemies of Ethiopians the rest. They went extreme than necessary, they could have reformed the inequality and their claim, which I am now beginning to believe as false due to the actions of Tigray and Shaebia today, that Amara oppressed them, I say as non Amara bullshit, because they are doing the worse than Amara and using this to benefit themselves.

    As someone said how Eritrea is better, I say that is not true also, Weyane once again is secrectly transfering the honey, butter, teff, etc to Eritrea while starving Ethiopian people.


    So what if OLF is Oromo, obviously you have no say in the discussion this is how you lack the knowledge of even Oromo and Ethiopia and would want history to repeat itself, called greed.


    Are you kidding me? Your own TPLF members have admitted that TPLF is responsible for starvation in the 80s (Western calendar) by using the food and selling it for arms and withholding the food against Tigrayans unless they support TPLF cause. Despite the war, at least the communist regime (although I detest it) has done something important by removing the affected people to fertile land…

  5. [
    You are a deceiver, not a fact finder or reporter. I know Tigray is a part of Ethiopia,and I am not in here in abad campaign agianst it, but the fact remains that except gum and incense Tigray does not have other exportable items. We may hear innumerable ADEY and LALOYE LAO songs about Tigray however, in the pre weyane Tigray ther was not covering shrub to be seen except perhaps in few places like Shire. Of course, things are different since the weyane suzerainty, Tigrians have transformed their province in to paradise. They even transport red ash and top soil from other regions to make the barren region cultivable land.

    The livestock,hides,skins,leather and oil seeds you are referring comes from the illegally appropriated fertile land of welkaiet Tegede.Why don’t you come up with another trick, after all, this form of lies has been used by weyanes since their arrival, and is not new to us. Beside, at least accept the fact many Ethiopians know all the lies about weyanes already, and you should not take pleasure to come up with another twist in this forum.

    The people of Gondar and Wello will never forget or forgive about what is taken from us. As it is not our way to seek from others, as we will not remove the old land mark from any, likewise, we also will not allow anyone to take an inch of our soil from us let alone a vast territory. We will require, in due time, restitution with full INTEREST from the enemy.

    I make a distinction between weyanes and the people of Tigray.I am especially aware of the patriotism of the elderly Tigrians and some among the Diaspora. Neverthless, I will say the following about the weyane hooligans. Initially, the weyane cabal’s strategy was to steal from Ethiopia everything they can possibly put their hands. If their authority become challenged to administer Ethiopia they thought they can go ahead and declare their independece.They were wrong in that, they were unable to anticipate the ramification of their action. For one no political party can have the monopoly on developing of events indefinately. God stood against their move and the dream of weyane to set up independent state is a bye gone propostion.That is weyane is forced to forsake this dream not willingly but against its will.Two things in a seemingly unrelated fashion working side by side seem to have produced the impossiblity of Independent Tigray.
    First, the silence and patience of the Ethiopian people to long suffer against the weyane hords. As the Ethiopian people continue to hope and cultivate patience towards the weyanes ,the weyanes seem to enjoy the apparent weakness of the Ethiopians.In the process, Weyane lost its mind thinking that the people are afraid wyh not go and invade Somalia.These wrong wrong weyane policies brought about general hatred towards weyane leadership. At the present, it is a fact; weyanes are surrounded by sea of enemies,and it is unlkely this situation will change. It is this that stood against their dream of seeing a home state.Now weyane is laboring hard,with out making any repentance for her crime and wrong policy, to convince Ethiopians it is an Ethiopian entity.Can any one in the right mind believe this,I thinkl not.

  6. TPLF/EPRDF and its MAIDS/SERVANTS ethnic based groups will face justice one day,no doubt.But why is everybody becoming echos to OLF propaganda?
    None of you talk about the atrocities committed against poor Amharas
    in Gonder who continue to loose land to Sudan and Tigray? Why don’t you
    write about the crimes of Meles in Semien Shewa aginst women who are ordered not to have children under the so called policy of family planning to contain the Amhara population? I don’t see your writings that
    continue to by pass the persecution of Amharas different from Woyanes open hate towards Gonderes and Semien Shewes.If you really want to bring
    change in Ethiopia make a strong case by exposing the Adwa/Mekelle gang’s
    agenda by including the CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY committed in the AMHARA
    provinces as well.

  7. Dear ETHIOPIANS, i don’t care about our ethnics back grounds, if we really love and want to save our land and ourselves from the Devil, we must work hand in hand to confront the graceless enemy before it will destroy Ethiopia and burys us alive. As all of you know, Woyane’s plan is to arm every walking Tigire with a Tank and sophisticated weapon to face any challenge at any time and any place. So in such a situation, the only choice is A STEEL like UNITY which will crush Woyane, otherwise we will be vanished by Woyane’s hunger, jail,disease and bullets.

  8. My question to the writter of this article is, Now if TPLF and OPDO leave Oromia, can the Oromos govern themselves ? If yes, with what power and institution since the Oromos do not have their own military and security. Ruling one country needs strong military and political institution. But the Oromos do not have such striking military which will defend the Oromian territoy. They have not done the necessary devout which Oromia wants.

  9. Defa
    The Oromo people seem to be not having strong military and strong political institution with striking military which will defend the Oromian territoy currently is because true sons and daughters of oromo have been geting murdered and imprisoned on a regular basis for the last twenty years by Meles Zenawi’s Woyane-Mujelle .
    If Woyane-Mujele sets the imprisoned Oromos free there is enough strength in the sons and daughters of Oromiya to rule the whole Ethiopia or more for that matter . If the western nations stop the financial aid for Meles Zenawi, Woyane-Mujelle will not last a day after that . Mark my words Woyane-Mujelle will step down from power the minute Woyane-Mujele stops making wealth for themselves in the name of the poor Ethiopian people . Woyane-Mujele have no interest in ruling the country unless they continue to rob the people, all of Woyane-Mujeles including Meles Zenawi are in it just for the money.

  10. The Oromo people seem to be not having strong military and strong political institution with striking military which will defend the Oromian territoy currently is because true sons and daughters of oromo have been geting murdered and imprisoned on a regular basis for the last twenty years by Meles Zenawi’s Woyane-Mujelle .
    If Woyane-Mujele sets the imprisoned Oromos free there is enough strength in the sons and daughters of Oromiya to rule the whole Ethiopia or more for that matter . If the western nations stop the financial aid for Meles Zenawi, Woyane-Mujelle will not last a day after that . Mark my words Woyane-Mujelle will step down from power the minute Woyane-Mujele stops making wealth for themselves in the name of the poor Ethiopian people . Woyane-Mujele have no interest in ruling the country unless they continue to rob the people, all of Woyane-Mujeles including Meles Zenawi are in it just for the money.

  11. Shamsu,

    you have to understand that the Oromos situation will be the worst one than the Somalis situation of today. The reasons are, most Oromos are prefering region, religion and even the areas in the region than their blood Oromumaa. Even, today the so called Oromo leaders are divided along their regions and religions. Do you believe that the Oromos will reach any where in such a way ?

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