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Protest rally at the Al Amoudi Woyanne festival in DC – Sunday, 5 PM

If you are angry at the Woyanne kangaroo court’s decision against Andualeam Arage and others, here is the chance to do some thing about it. Turn your anger into action.

Patriotic Ethiopians in the Washington DC area are organizing a protest rally against the Al Amoudi blood money festival that will start this coming Sunday, July 1.

The purpose of the protest is to disrupt and make the event fail because:

1. Al Amoudi and the Woyanne junta are thieves and mass murderers.
2. The $2 million that is being spent for the festival is stolen from the people of Ethiopia.
3. It is a Woyanne political event under the cover of sports that is intended to divide the Ethiopian community in the Diaspora.
4. Al Amoudi and the Woyanne junta continue to commit gross injustice against the people of Ethiopia.

Give voice to our voiceless people in Ethiopia by participating in the protest rally Sunday.

Date: July 1, 2012.
Time፡ 5፡00 PM
Place: RFK Stadium, Washington DC.

More info: [email protected]

የአዲስ ድምጵ ራዲዮ ልዩ የስልክና የኢንተርነት ፕሮግራም

አርብ ጁን 29 ቀን ከምሽቱ 9 ሰኣት እስክ 11 ሰኣት ድረስ

የአላሙዲ አሽከሮች ለግንዘብ ስብእናቸውን ሸጠው ከምስኪኑ ድሃ ወገናችን በተዘረፈ የኢትዮጵያ ሀብት በሚሊዮኖች በሚቆጠር ዶላር ያዘጋጁትን የ AESAONE ፈስቲቫል ለመቃዎም የሚዯረገውን ህዝባዊ ሰልፍ በሚመለከት የአዲስ ድምጵ ራዲዮ ልዩ የስልክና የኢንተርነት ይፕሮግራም አርብ ጁን 29 ቀን ከምሽቱ 9 ሰኣት እስክ 11 ሰኣት (9pm to 11pm) ድረስ ስለሚተላለፍ አንዲከታተሉ በማክበር  ተጋብዘዋል፤

በስልክ ለመከታተል (712) 432-3920 ዯውለው አክሰስ ኮድ 854226# ይጠቀሙ

በኢንተርነት ለመከታተል ይጎብኙ

አስታውሱ አርብ ጁን ከምሽቱ 9 PM ልዩ የአዲስ ድምጽ ፕሮግራም በስልክ እና ኢንተርነኔት

25 thoughts on “Protest rally at the Al Amoudi Woyanne festival in DC – Sunday, 5 PM

  1. On this coming Sunday July 1 Ethiopians will gather at RFK in Washington,DC to denounce all who are supporting and promoting Al Amoudi in America. Al Amoudi and Woyane are the enemies of Ethiopia. Those who are doing business with them are anti Ethiopia and need not be allowed to party at RFK. We will Occupy RFK to flush out the thieves.

  2. A very few hirelings of Meles are busy making ridiculous desperate noise in Washington, D.C. in the name of sport festival. In reality, what they are busy doing is a ballyhoo meant to hoax and distract the Ethiopian community in the D.C. metropolitan area and all across the U.S. from converging in Dallas, TX, for the 29th ESFNA festival. Their main goal is not sport but dividing and weakening the Ethiopian people. It is the latest blatant assault on the unity of the Ethiopian Diaspora by Meles and his minions in the area. They are financed by Meles’s security apparatus under the cover of the disgraced Saudi billionaire named Alamoudin. It is the long hands of Meles’s security apparatus that is at work here wearing Alamoudin as gloves. No doubt that Alamoudin may partly contribute his own money for this evil act of dividing and weakening the Ethiopian Diaspora in the U.S. Needless to say that Alamoudin is one of the main beneficiaries from the spoils of Meles’s unabated terrorism against the Ethiopian people and he is sucking the resources of the country unbridled like ticks attached to cattle. Therefore, Alamoudin has as much interest as Meles to keep the Ethiopian people divided and weak so that they both can continue to loot the Ethiopian people. It is in Alamoudin’s vested interest to participate in any way, shape or form in any efforts that Meles is making to divide and rule the Ethiopian people including those in the Diaspora. But it is naïve to think that the money to divide and weaken the Ethiopian Diaspora in the U.S. is coming only from Alamoudin’s account. It may come in Alamoudin’s name but such futile exercise is mainly bankrolled by Meles through his security apparatus. Alamoudin not only finances the Diaspora operations of Meles’s security apparatus with his own money, but he is also used at the same time as a cover for the direct financing by Meles himself. Meles and Alamoudin work hands in gloves with hands being that of Meles through his security apparatus and gloves being Alamoudin whose name appears on the check. So it is Meles who is financing the latest dividing efforts underway in Washington, D.C., under the guise of Alamoudin’s donations or financings. One of the yardsticks Meles uses to measure his success in this latest evil act is the number of people that attend his smokescreen in D.C. meant to confuse and hoax. But the second and the main one is the number of people who will be misled and as the result won’t go to Dallas, TX. His only goal is dividing and weakening ESFNA and through that the Ethiopian Diaspora. The main metrics for his success thus is the turnout in Dallas. Therefore it is not only enough to boycott the fake drama in D.C. though that is very important. It is also crucial to attend the real ESFNA Ethiopian sport festival in Dallas, TX from July 1-7, 2012 for those who can. I will see you all in Dallas. DO NOT FALL FOR MELES’S TRAP.

    The swiss bank accounts of Meles and Alamoudin are getting fatter and fatter while the vast majority of the Ethiopian people are getting skinnier and skinnier by the day and turning into walking ghosts. Meles and Almoudin are snatching from the helpless Ethiopian people and eating as much and as many as they want each and every single day while the vast majority of the Ethiopian people have been made unable to eat a decent meal even once a day. Meles’s and Alamoudin’s hands have been defiled by the blood of tens of thousands of innocent Ethiopians. What you see in the hands of Meles and Alamoudin is the bloodmoney obtained from the Ethiopian people. The bloodmoney is fattening the swiss accounts of Meles and Almoudin along with their asses while the vast majority of the Ethiopian people is emaciated and is dying of famine, starvation and malnutrition. Meles and Almoudin are mining bloodgold in Lagadambi and other parts of Ethiopia by evicting and killing the population living in the areas and polluting their environment including their rivers off which they collect their drinking waters. Meles and Alamoudin are partners-in-plunder. They are working together to continue robbing the Ethiopian people of their resources and enrich themselves at the expense of the poor people of Ethiopia.

  3. why is this guy, Alamoudin, a cheer leader of the woyane who are vowed enemies of the Ethiopian people?
    The only reason is that he is in the same corruption ring with woyane.
    Looting, stealing, falsifying documents, money laundering, using relatives and others to transfer stolen assets etc … that is what woyane are about.

  4. We have to show them we are not accepting the humiliation of our country. We will not allow that like Tewodros, Belay Zeleke, Haile Mariam Mamo, Abebe Aregay, Deresu Duke, Abraham Deboche, Abune Petros,and most of all Zeray Derese. What is wrong with this generation.Our country needs real men and women. Now is the time to let them know we stand by our brothers and sisters who are locked up in Ethiopia. Wake up from your sleep!!!!!!

  5. This is not Alamoudis project .It is a Woyane Project using Alamoudi and his servant Abenet as a main manager. Those HODAMS left ESFNA for money. They are Bandas and will pay back the blood money they are getting from this event. Those who cooperate and work with them should be condemned and we all need to boycott their business. We will expose their names and their business for all Ethiopians to boycott. Their hand will be wet with blood money…

    Tedla Gessese – Portland
    Eyaya Arega – DC
    Sebsebie Asefa – DC
    Tariku Abebe DC
    Bisrat Desta – Seattle

    Abebe Asefa – LA
    Alemayehu Moral -LA

    Endale Tufar – Atlanta
    Awrarit from Addis Abeba

    Solomon Ayalew -Dallas
    Elias ( Abenet’s man) Dallas

    These are the few Hodam Bandas who sold their sol for money and their hand is wet with blood money.

    We will expose all those who are a puppet for Woyane in all means..

  6. Elias I have the next idea for a long time so can you please put on action, my idea is the following wich is to create a link on your web sight or Ethiopianreview dedicated or related to criminal TPLF members and its supporters such as Meles Zenawi, Aboy Sibhat, Bereket Simon, Adis Legese, Tamirat Layne, Shiferaw Shigute, Azeb Mesifin, Haylemariam, Girma Biru, Abay Tseyahe, even some hodam people like Selemon Tekalighn Niguse Woldemariam, Iyaya, Alamudi, Aba Pawulos, Misiraq Amare, judge Men-bere Tsihay, Hasen Shifa,Samora Yonis, Shimeles Kemal, each judge who is serving TPLF today, TPLF military men and women, spies and TPLF hidden supporters including business people, the election board employees, TPLF created human wright , Shimagiles, Teacher union, workers union, youth and women associations etc this link must include each individual’s life history such as the persons age his or her criminal history on the Ethiopian people during their service under the Fascist TPLF regime. To collect the necessary information you need to ask help all web sights, radio services, individuals to email you or call you. The information will come soon I am sure if you do this it will create a panic on TPLF camp so please do it as soon as you can thank you also update every time the information when ever there is a new individual and addition information comes for listed criminal TPLF member and supporter.

    WatchOut replies:

    I am also thinking the same. Establishing an existing database would not only provide reliable information for the general public it also would be another form of making each citizen responsible for his/her future action. For sure, it will provide great information during Woyane’s future day of judgment.
    Having said that, such a projet is not easy. It require great care, caution and accuracy. In addition, it also should be compmlemented with extra financial, technical and human resources. Hence, we (readers) need to make commitment to share not only the financial burden but also we need to devote our time and skill.

    Ewnetun replies:

    The style of people’s struggle must change.

    The list must also include all those individuals who had enabled Hailesellasie and Mengistu regimes not to be misled and misguided by them, including terrorist organizations that contributed in the havoc and destroyed a promising generation that is still souring to these days.

    Such actions will clean the bad from the good and will accelerate the struggle that was dragged and affected by such individuals. No more “yilugnta” and no more favor to any bad seed that contaminates the struggle for the sake of fake unity and support in the name of being anti-this or that.

    Lessons must be learned from the past not to repeat the same mistakes again and again. Everyone who screams for this or that, his history must be revealed to give our trust and follow his leadership.


  7. In the last two weeks alone

    -The woyane Kangaroo court by the order of the Kchat addicted and cancer infested dicator zenawi just convicted 24 of the most decent, patriotic Ethiopians on trumped up charges of terrorism.

    -The recent woyane instigated inter-ethnic violence in Sidama and all of the souther region is threatening the livelihoods of many citizens.
    The woyane cadres are cultivating fear, animosity and hatred among the population in Awassa. The Federal police is becoming a terror to the people, several people are being beaten up , kidnapped and tortured in an attempt to quash the peoples justified demand for freedom and justice.

    20 years on, the woyane are getting worse day by day. they just can’t stop going the down the path of hell and destruction.

    How on earth can one justify standing side by side with these criminals and their supporters in Washington DC in the name a ‘festival’.

    A festival is meant to celebrate freedom, justice and democracy.

  8. Please think about …..

    – those who are sentenced for fighting for freedom and abused in TPLF jails, those young people died on the way and abused in arab/african countries jail escaping from WEYANE to freedom,
    -those girls some underage trafficed to arab countries raped or forced to prostitute (TPLF is obviously the CAUSE of mass prostitution in AA and elsewhere in ethiopia),
    -those are forced to leave their beloved country ( TPLF’s principle: either you are our slave or go for slavery elsewhere)
    – those who are responsible for inflation, mass arrests in concentration camps and phisical or mental torure,
    -those who are controlling the money, army(our army is lead by tigre bandas) etc…
    – those who are child traficers fo big money(they sell our land, our women and now the children)
    – 11 billion, corruption, etc………..

    it might help you to remember the legacy of weyanes.

  9. All Ethiopians must really,really know that the purpose of Al Amoudi staying in Ethiopia is two-fold or double purpose;namely,to accomplish the mission the Saudi senior sheiks and kings wanted him for too long to accomplish;the other one is to help keep stay Zinawi and zinawi’s regime from being crumble down to a crush.Therefore,as usual,all Ethiopians must take Al Amoudi and his distructive activities very seriously and keep the fight until all enemies of Ethiopia are defeated.

  10. The woyanne-almujadin effort in D.C. is doomed to fail. The main mission of woyanne-almujadin is to destroy Ethiopia by destroying the unity of her people. Participating in this evil effort is tantamount to willfully giving a helping hand to woyanne-almujadin conspiracy of destroying Ethiopia. Do not give a helping hand to the dying Meles regime by participating in this effort of dividing the Ethiopian people.

    Anonymous replies:

    Baseless nonsense!!! Go and try him in Haig. Lol! Make sense when u communicate with fellow Eth. I agree with u that different festivals at the same time are not compatible and weaken the strength of Ethiopians but the root cause of this mess is not Sheik Al Amoudi but few reckless individuals who wanted to hijack the Eth. Soccer festival for their political gain by bringing Birtukan Mideksa who I respect otherwise and chose not to be accountable, instead chose to resort in name calling and continued to push their political agenda and we are where we are. The unfortunate realty is most people in Dallas including me are victims of this mess for we only stand for Eth. soccer festival in its purest form. No if or but. We leave rge politics for the so called politicians..

    Sister replies:

    Dear Anonymous,

    Sure, you can at least afford a Pseudo name like me than a plan anon. with such strong stance of who is right and who is wrong.

    Let us start from your first point in which you agreed that different festivals at the same time was not rightwhich i happen to agree with you butwe depart when you choice to pick funny reasons why it was wrong. It was the same festival that takes place every year for 29 years. why should it change now? Your explanation was “reckless” individuals chose to bring Birtukan Mideksa instead of her being “accountable”. Now, as far as i know Birtukan did not kill, steal, cheat and commit massacre on people. so, i have no idea what you mean by ” acountability” why do you all throw around this same word (acountability) when it comes to this individual?

    Birtukan never hold any public office other than her daily job as judge, her party won an election and it was cheated by the Weyane and was thrown into jail. what do you want her to be accountable for? Afterall you say, you respect her- so you should. One does not have to believe in her politics but no one can deny her presence and that she had paid the ultimate price of Weyane brutality.

    As usual there is a strong evidence the chaos caused in the sporting event have Weyane’s hidden hands. Her presence should not be the cause of so much division, but if you see the bigger picture, it is desperation by the regime who was forced by the US to release her from prison so the idea of her getting a platform it the US makes Weyane sick to the stomach hence it went on the offensive causing

    As for Alamoudi, I do not hold him responsible for most of the accusation directed at him but on this one, he should not have got involved. Weyane wants to gets its hand on every institutions we have. Sporting organisations, churches, Mosques and communities in the diaspora. Nothing is off limit. It is clear now Alamoudi is definitely used by the regime to be its financier to woo the diaspora, it won’t work.

    I actually feel he is forced into this position or they will kick him out of Ethiopia. you state you are a vitim of this political melodrama. you made your self to be. Becuase for anyone who has conscious and common sense it is clear where the problem lies.It is with the ruthless Weyane regime who would not stop at anything to destablise the Ethiopian community in the diaspora. you say leave politics for the so called politicians. Hmm, but you have no qualms doing your own little politics by having a dig at someone who stood up for change. Hypocrite.

    Anonymous replies:

    Either u or me need to go back to school to learn English. :) Where in the hell did u read Birtukan should be accountable???
    For the record know that I always salute her for all the ordeal she’s been thru. She’s no doubt exceptional but I am saying in simple term, those board members who hijacked ESFNA by putting politics in the midst should RESIGN and be ACCOUNTABLE!!!! Not become the president and board members again. If u don’t want to know the fact ask urself why is the turnout in both places is low???? Most Ethiopians don’t want to see themselves players in Dirty politics. But hey there is misunderstanding here otherwise as fellow Ethiopians okay agreeing to disagree…

    Barud replies:

    People who live in exile and claim not to be political amaze me. The very fact that we live here in diaspora, unless one is a diplomat or a wealthy person on vacation, makes us political. Whether one is here for fear of political persecution or poverty, we are here for political reasons. poverty is the result of the country’s mismanagement. Therefore, ESFN is as much a yearly get together for diaspora Ethiopians it is a reflection of why we are here. As such it has a duty to demand justice and freedom in our home country. Therefore, your assertion that ESFN has done wrong by raising burning political issues on one occassion that brings a large number of Ethiopians is baseless. You are simply repeating woyane propaganda. Of course woyanes have a vested interest in silencing such voices anywhere and everywhere.

  11. The power outage in Washington, DC area at this very moment will chase the very few who were paid to join “Al Zerafew” party at 5pm today. We will be there to Occupy RFK with light or no light.

  12. Every single Ethiopian has a potential to help this ongoing struggle to further get strengthened leading to the defeat of Zinawi and Al Amoudi.Ideas creat options and choices;if once,we chose the right solution to the problem,then we will meet our goals.Our primary goal is to completely get rid of Zinawi’s regime;there are distructive individuals such as Al Alamodi who should be taken very,very seriously as equally as we do take Zinawi,and fight the demon,Zinawi and the Saudi agent,Al Amoudi until both are either held captives or forced to leave our country.In particular,this one,the one who stinks money is everything can do anything he wants with it will definitely get punished enough that it will be a good lesson for other like individuals who attempt to do the same thing.Al Amoudi no longer does his distructive activities in clandestine;not anymore;therefore,he is going to do whaever the distructive activities either zinawi or the saudi sheiks and kings want him to do.Can you all imagine this messanger who has been alien the country and a stranger to the people will do in the future considering his current anti-unity activities how damging to citizens and our country it is?

    Of course,zinawi will be captured sooner or later.We know,this devil,Al Amoudi will try to run away to his masters and hide there indefinitely leaving our society in ruin,for he has done so many illegal and distructive activities for the last two decades.We have to stop this ruthless rude from what he is currently trying to do,and yank him to where he belongs.

  13. One local business we have identified having booth at this HODAMOCH event:

    The Ethiopian Times Newspaper

    GIZET (fatwa) to be issued for those who would advertise on this fake newspaper.

    Elias & taskforce members, I will take you to task. Let us know who are the businesses that you convinced to back out from this HODAMOCH event or those who refused and went ahead to have booth at the event. Guys, if any one of you have knowledge of those who rented booth at this HODAMOCH or any JEGNA who have sneaked in and filmed this HODAM vendors let the naming & shaming campaign start.

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