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Mental illness is a terrible diseases

Post by AbyssiniaLady » 20 Nov 2021, 19:20

Last edited by AbyssiniaLady on 20 Nov 2021, 21:27, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 5645
Joined: 07 Apr 2019, 20:34

Re: If Somali state unilaterally declare its independence from Ethiopia

Post by TGAA » 20 Nov 2021, 19:37

The Abyssinian so-called weyane lady -- your b--u--tt out in the open for all to see. Thanks for the detective work don't by Eripoblikan. You are an expired shilling prostitute.

Re: AbyssiniaLady is Busted!

Post Yesterday, 14:59

Eripoblikan wrote: ↑

AbyssiniaLady wrote: ↑

You stupid Somali animals , what has happened to your country and how can you help Galla when Somalis animals can't even form a state? Somalis Galla and our Galla are big losers, btw Somalia don`t have a port, somali sea belong to us now, we rule somalia!

AbyssiniaLady wrote: ↑
That's right, we just have to keep our Abyssinians eyes on Somali animals and our Galla slaves!

:lol: :

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Re: If Somali state unilaterally declare its independence from Ethiopia

Post by sun » 20 Nov 2021, 21:03

AbyssiniaLady wrote:
20 Nov 2021, 19:20
The United States and its European allies will recognize independent Somali state in a heartbeat, the USA is negotiating with Somalis right now, I mean, four Somalis, It's a golden opportunity not to be missed for Somalis, Ethiopia is slowly but surely descending into ungovernable chaos.

For how many years now have the tplf been begging Ethiopians to freely disintegrate and become like Yemen, Syria, Libya, etc. hoping that it might help the tplf to curve a sham fake state out of nothing. That is if the tplf is not the absolute dictator and tyrannical ruler of Ethiopia. It is like an old desperate donkey saying, "after my death let no grasses grow any more." Shameless cheap evil fanddiya! Ethiopians are much more wiser and believe that UNITY IS POWER while DIVISIONS LEADS TO GREAT WEAKNESSES. So eat your finger and toe nails.

Agazi General
Posts: 613
Joined: 19 Aug 2018, 13:14

Re: Mental illness is a terrible diseases

Post by Agazi General » 06 May 2024, 21:47

Waw z agazi agame queen of my heart was expose

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Re: Mental illness is a terrible diseases

Post by Somaliman » 07 May 2024, 09:52

AbyssiniaLady scribbled worse than that about Somalia and its people on this forum in the past.

We're all human beings and have often what's known as "Confirmation bias", which is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's bias. With such a proneness, we tend to undervalue any evidence that contradicts our bias and believe in alternative information that supports our pre-existing bias, while overvaluing any evidence that confirms our bias. We also filter out any inconvenient truths and arguments that contradict our bias, and as a result, our bias becomes our opinion, which solidifies gradually and in turn becomes increasingly an established pattern of thinking of us, however such a thinking of us is purely based on bias, prejudice, and/or stereotype.

As human beings, we also have tendency to change our minds, and AbyssiniaLady is no exception. How many politicians have you seen who have switched to the very same political parties they passionately used to disapprove of and demonise!

Our minds do not follow facts, however solid they're, as our minds are considered more stubborn than any facts. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that her change of mind is due to facts.

What has changed her mind can probably be a mystery to you, but not to me, though I won't tell it to you.

Agazi General
Posts: 613
Joined: 19 Aug 2018, 13:14

Re: Mental illness is a terrible diseases

Post by Agazi General » 07 May 2024, 11:04

Waw my brave somali brazer wrote an entire thesis 2 defend z queen of my heart: tigrayabyssinian lady. Zat shows how close u r 2 her. Well brazer, I accept defeat. U won her heart brazer. Congratulations. I am not bitter bout it, zat is life. U cannot win zem all. I will move on 2 z other womenz.
