Woyannes say ‘ESAT belongs to terrorists’

It seems that Meles Zenawi and gang are terrified by the launching of ESAT, an independent Ethiopian satellite TV. On top of trying to jam ESAT’s broadcast, they have launched a propaganda war against it. The following article is posted today on Woyanne propaganda chief Bereket Simon’s web site, WaltaInfo.com. It accuses ESAT of belonging to terrorists. The only one ESAT terrorizes is Woyanne that tries to keep Ethiopians in the dark by jamming and blocking all independent media.

History repeats itself: ESAT, an emerging terrorists’ media, and its owner Berhanu Nega will be a threat to developed countries like Osama Bin Laden

The people of Ethiopia knew why and how the Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) was set as they have experiences of such incidents for years. No matter what a pretext was given to its establishment, Ethiopians wouldn’t be misled as they have read those terrorists who have targeted Ethiopia like a book. As a result, the society never accepted it.

That is why its major objective of instigating severe conflict in the aftermath of the election fell through. It set an agenda of creating grounds to disrupt the election and to wind it up with bloodshed among the various nations, nationalities and peoples of Ethiopia.

That major agenda failed. No one determine to serve as an instrument for the agendas of those terrorists abroad. The people of Ethiopian knew how open political space in their countries is. They know that both their democratic and human rights have already respected. Nix compelled any Ethiopian citizen to reside abroad for his/her political difference.

In Ethiopia multi-party governing system has already flourished. Around eighty political parties are running their political agenda peacefully and without any imposition.

However, there are a few groups that have been continuing their terrorist activities to disrupt the stability of the country. Those individuals have been doing that because they determined to poison unity of the people thereby jeopardize development efforts in the country. ESAT belongs to those terrorists setting its agenda to misinform the international community
and Ethiopians abroad about issues in Ethiopia. Berhanu Nega and Ana Gomez are major partners of ESAT. Their close partnership began in the 2005 election and continued conspiring against Ethiopia.

Brehanu and Ana Gomez have continued to work closely in destabilizing Ethiopia. The former has a strong bond with the Eritrean government and international terrorist groups and the later is a parliamentarian in Europe. Their agreement was to bring resources from both sides and destabilize Ethiopia by creating a bloody conflict in the aftermath of election 2010.

However, that was a failed strategy. The people of Ethiopia have already learned from their past experiences. Above all, their political rights have respected. They have already identified who is who? As a result, their aim to instigate conflict has just melted. That sole aim of destabilizing Ethiopia and creating disharmony among Ethiopians fell through.

Recognizing the failure of their first agenda, they planned to jeopardize efforts made in ensuring sustainable development in the country. It has begun hammering those media determined to promote peace, democracy and development. Its recent report about waltainfo.com has emanated from this fact.

Despite the accuracy of the ideas raised in that report, the irresponsible terrorists’ Television has attempted to mislead the international community and Ethiopians abroad. The report concerning the preliminary statement of the EU-EOM is appropriate. It has now become public secrete as the chief observer also appeared in the same television and repeated what those terrorists have been saying for years.

Ethiopia is a peaceful country and its people are famous for their hospitability. There is nix that threaten the chief observer. But the people, by no means, accept such biased and destructive report so that they use their right to reject the unfounded stories in his report.

There is one saying that goes like “tell me your friend; I’ll tell who you are”. It’s crystal clear that this television is funded by the Eritrean government and international terrorist groups aiming not only to destabilize Ethiopia but also developed countries particularly America.

It would be possible to equate this with what Osama Bin Laden has done. It is inevitable that history will repeat itself. What Osama Bin Laden responded to the American people will certainly be repeated by Berhanu Nega at the end of the day. Berhanu has a strong bond with the international terrorists
and Eritrea, known for sponsoring terrorist. Although his media, ESAT, has a short term objective of destabilizing Ethiopia, its objective in the long run is backing international terrorists. Currently, some people may doubt this idea but will ascertain when the history repeats itself.

Osama Bin Laden was trained and supported by the Americans until he turned his aggressive merciless attack to them. Berhanu along with his accomplices is currently harbored in America. They will also turn their merciless terrorist attacks at America and other European countries; no guarantee at all to prevent that from happening.

The agenda of ESAT has emanated from this fact. No matter who funds it, it will serve terrorists who could threats to the entire world at the end of the day. But as for Ethiopia is concerned, there is no crack at all. Neither do those media that promote development, peace and democracy restrain from their tasks due to such empty shouts.

There is nothing wrong with the recent news on waltainfo.com concerning the EU-EOM Preliminary Statement that the team came with self contradictory ideas. One typical example could be the fairness of the election. In its first briefing, the chief observer congratulated all Ethiopians for the peaceful and efficient election they held. It also brought the facts about the national election board saying that it performed its duties and tasks efficiently and competently.

However, the team has changed its mind two days later. In briefing the preliminary statement the chief observer addressed that there were no even playing fields, which was in contradiction not only to their own previous briefings but also to the reports of other observers: the AU and the CSO. AU observers said the election meets the will of the people and is in line with AU guidelines for democratic elections. The CSO Election Observe had more than 46 thousand observers. They had at least one observer in every polling station. This team witnessed that the election was free, fair, democratic and peaceful in any standard. The EU-EOM came with a contradictory report with only 170 observers for more than 46 thousand polling stations. This is one of the fallacies in the preliminary statement.

The EU-EOM has put its boot on the wrong foot for the second time. The first one is its unbalanced biased report to instigate post election conflict among Ethiopians. The second one is its appearance on the emerging terrorists’ media, ESAT. It is public secrete that ESAT belongs to terrorists targeting Ethiopia in the short run and America and other developed countries in the long run. Financing this media may not disrupt Ethiopia’s efforts for sustainable development but will be a severe risk to the financers themselves. History will certainly repeat itself. There is no guarantee for America and other countries backing ESAT its owner to restrain from challenging developed countries themselves like Osama Bin Laden.