Woyanne faced disaster in Minneapolis

Woyanne ambssador Girma Birru, one of the 20 dumbest regime officials in Ethiopia, had called a public meeting in Minneapolis on Saturday, Dec. 3, to hoodwink some gullible Ethiopians into contributing money to the fake Abay dam project. Upon learning about the meeting, patriotic Ethiopians in Minneapolis mobilized themselves and went to the Depot Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel to confront Girma Birru and the Woyanne cadres. The result was that less than 30 people attended the meeting. After observing the protesters, some of those who were coming to attend the meeting turned around and left. The Woyannes spent over $10,000 to organize the meeting to only attract 30 individuals who left the meeting without buying not even one bond for the so-called Renaissance Dam, a money-generating scam concocted by Meles and Azeb. It was another day of disaster for the Woyanne junta. Ethiopian Review associate discreetly took the following photo from inside the meeting hall.

Woyanne Minneapolis meeting