Transformative Reconciliation for Unity in a Nutshell

This is Ethiopian Review Policy Research Center’s series on From Dictatorship to Democracy extracted/quoted from books and articles published by Albert Einstein Institution and similar sources.

Without UNITY there is no coordinated and synergized Mass Disobedience/Civil Resistance

The Guiding Questions of transformative reconciliation can help us to re-frame issues, to think “outside the box” that legal justice has created for society.
This approach also seeks to encourage defendants to take appropriate responsibility in these cases.
They can help us sort out what needs to be done without getting stuck in and limited to – the question, “What does the offender deserve?
These Guiding Questions, in fact, might be viewed as transformative reconciliation closure “in a nutshell.”
However, the word “closure” is often offensive to victims. It seems to suggest that all can be put behind, the book closed, and that is not possible. However, the word does capture a sense of being able to move forward that transformative reconciliation aims to make possible.

As we begin to think of practical applications of transformative reconciliation, another guide is provided by the ten principles or “signposts.” attached. These principles can be of use in designing or evaluating programs. Like the Guiding Questions, they may be useful in crafting responses to specific cases or situations.

To view the Key Guiding Questions and major signposts for Transformative Reconciliation CLICK: Transformative Reconciliation in a Nut Shell