Ethiopia in the 3rd Millennium – Where Do We Go From Here?

Some understand before others do and that means we must be patient and loving with those who are not able to see the bigger picture. We also must understand that some will not “want” to get it because they do not want to change. In this case, the struggle for a more humane, just, equal and free Ethiopia must continue anyway.

As divisions come, and they will, keep your focus on the bigger picture and reach out to others and listen! This is a process and will not happen overnight. This struggle is about the landscape of our society being transformed from scrub grass, desert and barrenness, where we can barely subsist, to a society filled with the beauty and fullness of life.

It will not happen without disagreement and conflict. It will not happen without hard work and sacrifice. It will not happen if we are afraid to speak the truth to our friends as well as to our perceived enemies—with civility and respect to their faces instead of behind their backs.

The road we take will be full of obstacles and disappointments. It is not for the weak, the ones who easily give up or to those who cave in to fear. We need God leading us and helping us for ours is not an easy struggle, but it is a worthy one.

Let us not focus on human heroes or villains for we overestimate the power of both and it will lead us to failure. Instead, let us remember our Creator and He who will ultimately judge us for He will help us if we turn to Him!