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Eritreans host Horn of Africa panel discussion in California

By Elias Kifle

I was invited to participate in a Horn of Africa panel discussion on Saturday, August 15, which was hosted by the Community of Eritreans in the San Francisco Bay Area. The discussion was held at Oakland Tech High School in Oakland, California, in conjunction with the Eritrean Festival Western USA – 2009. The guest speakers included Prof. Ahmed Samatar of Somalia, Dr. Awet Weldemichael of Eritrea, and myself.

I was asked to be the first speaker of the event. My 10-minute presentation evolved around the need to get rid of the Woyanne tribal junta in Ethiopia for peace to prevail in the Horn of Africa region:

As long as Woyanne, the cause and instigator of all of the conflicts in the region, remains in power, there can be no stability in the region. Woyanne’s extremely greedy nature doesn’t allow a win-win situation in any thing it does. It is all-or-nothing, zero-sum game.

For the first time ever, representatives of Ethiopian organizations are attending Eritrean events in the Diaspora. Eritreans are doing likewise. Such interaction and dialogue between Eritreans and Ethiopians could help build a potent alliance for peace and prosperity in the region. Because of the growing alliance with Eritrea, Ethiopian forces are now on the offensive for the first time.

I proposed the creation of a Horn of Africa Alliance that will be capable ending the chaos in the region:

The emerging Ethiopia-Eritrea alliance need to grow and involve the people of Somali and Djibouti. Such a Horn of Africa alliance can play a key role in removing the Woyanne cancer from the region and help bring about peace and stability. It seems that the process of establishing such an alliance has already started from the bottom up…

There is only one independent government in the Horn of Africa that has the vision and leadership quality to help bring such an idea to fruition. I explained as follows:

For this process to be fruitful, it needs a strong backing from the Government of Eritrea. Currently, it is the only government in the region that has the vision and the desire to create economic and political integration among the peoples of the Horn of Africa. As we all know, the junta that is ruling Ethiopia is working to implement its 1976 Greater Tigray Republic Manifesto after dismembering Ethiopia into several small satellite states that are to be ruled from Mekele by the Woyanne masters through puppets. Most of the steps for Woyanne to implement its Greater Tigray manifesto have already been taken. The only reason Woyanne has stopped short of fully implementing its plan so far is because of the Eritrean government’s opposition to such a plan. The government in Djibouti is a fake government. It’s leaders are puppets for Woyanne and France. In Somalia, there is no functioning government. It is therefore necessary for the Government of Eritrea to provide leadership in bringing together the people of the Horn of Africa to work for their mutual benefit, instead of working against each other.

I also talked about what I think should follow the removal of Woyanne:

After removing the Woyanne junta, the next step needs to be to establish a commonwealth of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibout and Somalia and integrate their economies — with their citizens having full rights to live, work and conduct businesses in any place they choose. The economic integration needs to also include common currency backed up by gold, common tax policy, and common working language (English). If we are able to put these ideas to work, our countries and region will be on the path of peace and prosperity.

My observation is that the mostly Eritrean audience was receptive of the ideas I presented.

The following speaker was Dr Awet. His presentation touched many areas, and he forcefully defended Eritrea’s government against the accusation by the U.S. Department of State and the Woyanne junta that Eritrea is arming Al Qaeda-linked groups in Somalia.

The last speaker was Prof. Samatar, who focused on the need to build civil societies in order for peace and stability to prevail in the region. He blamed the chaos in Somalia on the death of civic culture.

During the question and answer session, I was asked how Eritreans can trust future Ethiopian governments. I explained that Ethiopians express the same concern. The solution is for the people of Ethiopia and Eritrea to develop the kind of relation that cannot easily be broken apart by politicians. I gave the relation between people of Canada and the U.S. as an example. It is unimaginable for Canada and the U.S. to go to war. Ethiopia and Eritrea can join in some kind of arrangement, be it confederation or commonwealth, which will further guarantee that the two people will never go to war.

Before the discussion concluded, I implored Eritreans and Somalis to distinguish between Ethiopia and Woyanne. I explained that the Woyanne junta does not represent Ethiopia. It is the Woyanne tribal junta that invaded Somalia and slaughtered its people. It is the Woyanne junta that is in a state of war with Eritrea. The people of Ethiopia have no problem with Somalia and Eritrea. They just want to live in peace and freedom. The audience seemed to agree.

(The writer, who is the editor-in-chief of Ethiopian Review, can be reached at [email protected])

15 thoughts on “Eritreans host Horn of Africa panel discussion in California

  1. “After removing the Woyanne junta, the next step needs to be to establish a commonwealth of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibout and Somalia and integrate their economies — with their citizens having full rights to live, work and conduct businesses in any place they choose”

    ~~~Is this visionary, a dream or at least a century later? considering each country is at its solid best. Still, very doubtful that Ethiopians will hold such views (living freely with in the four regions?, what does that make them? Federation of the horn?

    “The people of Ethiopia have no problem with Somalia and Eritrea. They just want to live in peace and freedom. The audience seemed to agree”

    ~~~An optimistic representation, but…It makes sense to take a survey of your very own readers. In regard to Eritreans and Ethiopians relation, the recent interview with PIA makes your generalization closer to possibility, at least based on the majority of the comments of your readers/some percentage of which are Eritreans, a recent convert pro Eritrea and other Ethiopians with such views. (A small sampling compared to the general population specially the ethnically diverse Ethiopia). That leaves a survey to do on Ethiopians views on Somalia, a politically volatile country with possible high risk for Ethiopia.

  2. Dear Elias Kifle, Editor,

    You have been working tirelessly, day and night, to bring the two sister- countries – Ethiopia and Eritrea – together through dialogue and friendly discussions rather than through the old and barbaric method – confrontation and conflict. The path you have been following so far is the right one if the two countries have learned their lessons from the two-year costly and bloody war.

    The idea of federation or commonwealth sounds appropriate, but before we invite Somalia and Djibouti to the commonwealth, let us first create the federation or the commonwealth between Ethiopia and Eritrea, and after five or more years, we may invite the other countries to join us.

    Thank you for your hard work!

  3. Eilias thanks, good job. the Economic and Political integration, peace and prosperity of our region are the responsibility of east African people. So give your hand to me and others to go together. because problem of one east African country is problem of all region. God bless horn Africa region.

  4. Relationship is good but should not be parasitic as it was prior to the quarell of Meles and Isayas. Under a Tigrean PM in Ethiopia, there will never be a fair and equal relationship between the two. First and foremost, Ethiopia should have a government that cares for its people and territorial integrity and there has to be a free and democratic government in all the countries mentioned before talking of confederation, commonwealth or any other relationship.

  5. Hello my people,

    I attended the meeting after so many hesitations on my part and, of course, with some encouraging words from my wife who dared me to go and “face the Eritreans.” (my wife hates me) :) So off I went.

    I arrived at the location 20 minutes late (Bay area traffic) and missed part of the introduction speech given by Elias, nonetheless I was very glad to have made it there. This was actually my first time to see Elias in person, and I got to say, Elias gave a superb presentation, especially his well detailed and straight-forward answers to questions asked by members of the audience. Now I know why the woyanes are so terrified of this man that they go to extra length to smear him. He is an intellectual, a great speaker, and an honest-to-God patriotic Ethiopian who cares deeply for our people and country. I soon concluded it is his unconditional love for Ethiopia the woyanes fear most, and it’s not that hard to imagine how many million Elias’ are there in Ethiopia. I saw the future.

    The Eritrean speaker, Dr Awat, was also great, and I learned many things from his excellent analysis and presentation about the present Horn of Africa issues involving Eritrea, and the super-power politics in the region which is trying to use Eritrea as a scape-goat for their failed missions in Somalia…..etc. The guy is a scholar, and he knows his stuff. He presented many facts that cannot be refuted. I was very impressed by his presentation which allowed me to see things from Eritrean’s perspective.

    Professor Samatar was also great. I recall reading some of his articles in the past and he, too, gave a wonderful presentation.

    Was this a historic meeting ? To me it was. I met some wonderful Eritreans and we even exchanged contact information to have more discussions and dialogues, to learn from each other’s experience and so on. In fact, one of the Eritreans I met at the meeting happened to be the real estate broker who had helped me and my wife to purchase our first home 7 years ago. It was great to see him and we’re planning to have a BBQ together over this coming weekend.

    So my advice to you is, if there is such a meeting in your area, don’t miss it. Believe me, we have much more things in common with our northern neighbors than our petty differences that don’t amount to anything. I, for one, am glad that I went and I’d like to thank the people who organized the historic meeting in the Bay area, and hope to see more of this in the near future. We Ethiopians also need to hold similar meetings and invite our neighbors for fruitful debates, dialogues and discussions. I strongly believe the power to bring change in our region and respective countries lies in the hands of the people and not the leaders. Let’s all come together for a common purpose for peace and stability in our region because we owe it to our people.

    Thank you.

    God Bless both Eritrea and Ethiopia.

    Happy Camper from Oaktown

  6. Dear Elias, I appreciate your Idea of alliance in the horn of Africa. It is very optimistic visualization, however, may not realistic. Though it needs a strong effort, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti can form either a commonwealth or confederation, you name it. But, when it comes to Somalia case, your Idea looks more delusional, i.e. a persistent false belief held in the face of strong contradictory evidences what the world are watching on the ground. The ethnically and religionally homogenous Somalia, becoming lawless and a felled state just because of the war among them selves, let alone unite with Ethiopia,which they believe their historical foe.

    Dear Elias, generally, good to advocate union between peoples and governments of different countries, and I srongly believe it has to be encouraged, although we have many problems in our own Ethiopia that needs to be solved first (problems like secessionist thinking by some organizations).

  7. Elias,

    We need a pragmatic solution to end once and for ever the cyclic problems created by our enemies. Keep up the good jobs as usual and we now know your endurances are bearing some fruits. I encourage and salute your effort. You are a genuine person whom I ever wish to support.

  8. Economic Commonwealth or Economic Union for Horn of African Countries

    The Europeans ( British, French,Italians and the Germans )have learned from the misery, destructions, displacements, and death of the 1st(1914-1918) and 2nd ( 1940-1945)world wars and established the European Economic Union (EEU). Benefits peace, stability and economic prosperity. Wars or conflicts is more or less eliminated. Hence, the idea of Economic Commonwealth or Economic Union for the Horn of African Countries need to be properly entertained, visualisd and articulatd. But first the sourse of all evils, the Woyanne Minority Junta, has to go.

  9. Thank you, Mr. Elias Kifle, for your initiative in connecting with the Eritreans in the US and for the good report on the conference. I am writing this from Asmara and I want you to know how much people here appreciate your activism in building bridges between our two brotherly peoples. I am also pleased that the organizers of the Eritrean Festival in California took the initiative to organize this conference and invite you as one of the speakers. I am in total agreement with you that as the long as the Woyane is in power in Ethiopia there cannot be peace and stability in the Horn of Africa. Thus the primary task of all peace activists in the Horn is to form an effective alliance in the Horn of Africa as well as in the West to expedite the demise of the Woyane. You, sir, are providing visionary leadership to achieve that goal. I strongly believe that Eritrea-Ethiopia strategic alliance is already at hand and we all need to work hard to bring about the end to the Woyane tribal misrule in Ethiopia. The day won’t be far off when we shall see that dream come to fruition. Again, I salute your efforts, Mr Elias Kifle, and congratulate you on your participation in the Eritrean organized Peace Conference in the Bay Area. Keep up the good work and know well that there are many Eritreans and Ethiopians of good will who are applauding your tireless efforts!

  10. I attended the conference.
    Your presentation was vibrant
    and vivid. Objective and to the

    Ethiopia should be proud to have
    a zealous and committed patriots
    like you

  11. Elias,

    you are doing a good job my brother. Ayzoh, berta wendim.

    Don’t litsen to those negative thinking ppl and don’t be discouraged by them. Those ppl like to talk too much, but they don’t try to solve any problem. They are like a diaper and they are full of it.

    You will always be a hero in my book.


  12. Elias must go to the mountain for he is hitting the right views for the people of the Horn of Africa.

    But, Somalis will never accept to be part of a commonwealth that does not include their brethren in Kenya. Elias, a mostly enlightened editor, goofed on this topic. Ethiopians must realize that there can never be peace in the Horn without a just settlement of the scars of the scramble of the Somali nation just as Africa will never reach its potentialities without a just revisitation of the racist European-made bogus boundaries in the continent. Think about it.

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