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80-year old father of Ethiopia opposition official gets life in prison

The 80-year old father of Ginbot 7 Movement Secretary General Andargachew Tsige is among the 33 individuals who received life in prison sentence yesterday in Ethiopia. Ato Tsige Habatemariam had a heart-bypass surgery recently and suffers from a number of other ailments.

As reported earlier, the kangaroo court handed out death sentence on Ato Melaku Tefera, Dr. Berhanu Nega, Ato Andargachew Tsigie, Ato Muluneh Eyuel, Ato Mesfin Aman. Ato Melaku Tefera, a member of the UDJ was in court for the verdict. The others are sentenced in absentia.

According to ENA, the following 33 of individuals who were charged with plotting to dismantle “the constitution and the constitutional order in clandestine operation,” received life in prison:

General Tefera Mammo
General Asaminew Tsige
Col. Demisew Anteneh
Major Mekonen Worku
Ato Abere Assefa
Col. Alemu Getnet
Col. Solomon Ashagire
Col. Getachew Birile
Capitain Temesgen Bayleyegn
Col Fantahun Muhaba
Major Mesekere Kassa
Capitain Misganaw Tessema
Ato Kifle Sinishaw
Ato Yeshiwas Mengesha
Ato Mengistu Abebe
Wz. Emawayish Alemu
Ato Goshyirad Tsegaw
Sgt. Amerar Bayabil
Sgt. Gobena Belay
Sgt. Yibelital Birhanu
Sgt. Yeshiwas Mitiku
Ato Wudneh Temesgen
Ato Getu Worku
Ato Tsige Habatemariam

Sentenced in absentia:

Col. Alehubel Amare, Deputy Commander of Agazi Special Forces
Ato Yaregal Yimam
Ato Daniel (?)
Ato Aweke Afework
Ato Ephrem Mandebo
Ato Daniel Assefa
Ato Chekol Getahun
Ato Fasil Yenealem
Ato Derje Habitewold

Sentenced to 10 years
Ato Adugna Alemayehu
Ato Adefris Asaminew

The kangaroo court also ordered properties of the following individuals to be confisicated:

Col. Alehubel Amara
Dr. Birahu Nega
Ato Getu Worku
Ato Yaregal Yimam
Ato Andargachew Tsige

6 thoughts on “80-year old father of Ethiopia opposition official gets life in prison

  1. ))))))የሰማንያ ዓመት አዛውንት???…(((((((
    ባልሳሳት ከአፍሪቃ በሰማንያ አመቱ የዕድሜ-ልክ ፅኑ እስራት የተፈረደበት አልሰማሁም::
    አፄ ኅይለ-ሥላሴ እንኳ ለችሎት አልቀረቡም ዛሬ ግን ጆሮ አይሰማው አይን አያየው የለምና ወያኔ “የልጅዎ ቁመት ከመስቀያው የረዘመ ስለሆነ:በሕግ ሽፋን የተጣፋ ክስ ተፈርዶቦታልና እርስዎን ለመስቀል ተገደናልና በጊዜ ገመድ ሸምቅቀን ብንገድልዎት በልጅዎ እንጂ በኛ አይፍረዱብን”አሉና ኢትዮጵያ ጀግና ያጣች መሆኑን በደም አሳዩን::ጊዜ ይፍረደን!!!
    ለመሆኑ እነዚህ ጄነራሎች ስንት ዓመታት አብረው ከወያኔ ጋር ሰርተው ነው ዛሬ እንደሸንኮራ አኝኮ የተፋቸው???
    በደርግ የሥልጣን ዘመን ለወያኔ የመጀመሪያውን ግልጋሎት (መረጃ)ሲሰጡ የነበሩና ወያኔ ወንበሩን ሲይዝ ተሾሙ ተብለው ከሚጠረጠሩት አንዳንዶቹ
    ከሆኑ ሲያንሳቸው ነው::
    መግቢያቸውን ጉድጓድ ይቆፍሩ::
    አይ ኢትዮጵያ የሰማንያ ዓመት አዛውንት???

    እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያን ይጠብቃት!!!

  2. When we have a power-greedy person in power and corrupt judges who work desperately for their survival, the life imprison sentence passed by the approval of Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi) does not discriminate whether the person is 80 years old, or the person is a pregnant woman – they are all condemned to go to jail, and that is where Meles and his wife Jezebel get their satisfaction when someone is condemned to die or condemned to go to jail. The sufferings of the Ethiopian people all theses years have been the best entertaining movies for Meles Seitanawi and his crime family. The more the Ethiopian people get poorer and weaker, the stronger the Meles government becomes with its selected followers. How can people with empty stomach defeat the wealthy and well-armed Meles Seitanawi unless God, who cares for the sufferings of the Ethiopian people, intervenes? Some of the army generals whom we expect will overthrow him he has put to jail or killed. The rest are well selected Tegarues, very faithfull to him and to his crime family. He has purposely avoided the Amhara, the Oromo, and the Gurage army generals from serving in his army. So we are left with sticks and spears, and of course we can win with whatever means in our hand if we are determined.

  3. What is disgusting and irritating is that Meles Zenawi has no respect and sympathy to any Ethiopian be it senior,sick,pregnant.Weyanes have been punishing innocent people for expressing their views with no regard to their health or age matters,even the late leader Mengistu Hailemariam on record had a lot of respect and mercy for senior citizens.That clearly verifies the true nationalistic nature of colonel Mengistu and narrow minded racist(representing tigray)nature of Meles.
    Hopely one day justice will prevail in the nation and put weyane leaders in the peoples verdict for economic and social crimes against the people of Ethiopia,Eritrea and Somalia.
    History is a teacher no matter how an army is equipped or sophisticated can not stop peoples desire of freedom. mercenary weyanes how much they are supported by their masters from U.S and other foreign powers one day will be history it is a matter of time.All the money they steal from poor Ethiopians will haunt them forever.
    Weyane”s evil intentions of creating a very powerful elite society of tigray ethnicity from fragmented and weak Ethiopia and can stay in power un-chllenged for generations to come will never materialize thanks to the honest and progressive ideology of the leadership of Eritrea specially President Essays Afwerki,his true vision of living in harmony tolerance and coopreration not exploitation of all the countries and people of the horn.That is why weyane and their masters became the sworn enemies of Eritrea.

  4. Tefera Walawa is in great Depression, the father of his Wife is a “terrorist”, the brother of his Wife is planning to “kill” Meles and Berket. So Meles has planned to replace ANDM with the Eng’s Party AEPO

  5. ወያኔ የሰማኒያ ዓመት አዛውንት በማሰሩ ተገርማችሁ ይሆናል። በኢትዮጵያ በፍርሃት ያልታሰረ፣ ያለመሸማቀቅ የሚኖር ማን ነው?

    ከሊቅ እስከ ደቂቅ ከህጻን እስከ አዋቂ፣ ከገበሬ እስከ ሸማች፣ ከተማሪ እስከ አስተማሪ፣ ከምዕመን እስከ የሃይማኖት መሪ በነጻነት ደስ ብሎት በሃገሩ የሚኖር ማነው?፣ ማነው በሃገሩ የሚተማመን? ፣ ማን ነው በመሪዎቹ በእውነት ደስ የሚሰኝ?፤ ሀገሪቷ የአፍሪካ የነጻነት ማማ እና የነጻነት ምልክት እንዳልነበረች ዛሬ እኮ የባርነት፣የፍርሃት ቀንበር የተጫናቸው ህዝቦቻን ላስተዋለ ያለፍውን ለነጻነት የተደረገውን ተጋድሎ ቢሰማ ይህ ትውልድ ከዛ እንቢ አሻፈረኝ ለአፋኞች፣ እንቢ …እንቢ ….ለነጻንት ቀበኖች እንቢ … ነጻነቴን ለወራሪና ለባንዳ ቅጥረኖች አሳልፌ አልሰጥም… በነጻነቴ እና በሃገሬ አልደራደርም ካለው ትውልድ የተቀዱ ናቸው ቢል ማን አምናል?

    ዛሬ ለፍርሃት ተንበርክከን በፍርሃት ተውጠን የ80 ዓመት አባታችን ሳንሞት በአይናችን እያየን ስንነጠቅ፣ ሚስቶቻችን እና ልጆቻችን በአይኖቻችን ፊት ወደሞት በግፈኞች እንደከብት ሲነዱ እየተመለከትን ዝም ማለት እንዴት አስቻለን?

    ተው ስማኝ ሀገሬ አረ ስማኝ ሀገሬ.. አለ የሃገሬ ሰው እያወቁ አለቁ ሆነብን፣ እያየን እንዳላየን እየሰማን እንዳልሰማን መሆናችን ይበጀናል?
    ቢረፍድም መነሳት ይበጀናል፣ መደራጀት፣ መታገል እንደትላንትናዎቹ እንደአባቶቻችን ለነጻነታችን ዘብ መቆም አሻናል።

    እግዚአሔር ምድራችን ይባርክ፤ ሕዝባችንን ከተጫነው እንቅልፍ ያንቃልን።

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