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African thieves re-elect Meles Zenawi to represent them

ADDIS ABABA (APA) — The 14th African Union Summit on Tuesday unanimously re-elected Ethiopian Prime Minister genocidal dictator Meles Zenawi to represent Africa in future consecutive global climate conferences. [In Africa, failure and betrayal are rewarded. That is why the continent is a land of misery.]

The Summit commended the leading and coordinating role of Meles at the tough negotiations at the Copenhagen Climate Conference.  [The fact of the matter is that Meles betrayed Africa in Copenhagen, as reported here.]

The leaders expressed their satisfaction with Meles “who strives to secure the benefits and interest of Africa.”  [Thieves standing up for each other at the expense of Africa they claim to represent. Read about Meles Zenawi’s role in Copenhagen here.]

Meles was elected last year to lead the African Union delegation of thieves to the world climate conference at the AU assembly in Libya .

Tanzanian president, Jakaya Kikwete lauded Meles’s efforts at the Copenhagen climate conference where he took into consideration Africa’s interest. [Liar]

The world climate conference in Copenhagen was a forum where the international community, including the developed countries promised to give Africa tens of billion dollars in the coming three years and another $ 100 billion by 2010.

The money will be utilized for climate change adaptation and mitigation programs in Africa , which severely affected by the climate change. [The money goes into the pockets of these looters who are being propped up by neo-colonialists.]

11 thoughts on “African thieves re-elect Meles Zenawi to represent them

  1. Birds of feather flock together. Folks, we need to support EPPF and other Ethiopian fighting forces to deliver the last rite to these criminal baboons. Sorry baboons, you are much smarter than your African counterparts of the “human” variety!
    Our land is being sold out to foreigners, our land is given away to foreigners, our lakes and rivers are getting polluted uncontrollably, our kids are sold to the highest bidders, the streets of our capital city and other main cities is full with prostitutes and homeless and jobless crowds, the national wealth equity is given away disproportionately to one kilil only, our political leaders are being jailed and harassed at wanton, some of our people are being bombed the daylight out of them for refusing to bow down and we have this silly and meaningless standstill with our much need relations with Eritrea. Because of that we are spending millions and millions of money to do business with less preferable ports in order to avoid Eritrea just because Meles and company have some axe to grind against their former mentor. Does that make sense to the rest of us? How long can we remain timid or indifferent when the historical country of ours is going to Devil’s lane? I do not believe our forefathers and foremothers would rest in peace in their graveyard knowing how divided and weaklings their offspring has become. These are just some thoughts that every Ethiopian needs to ponder. We need to wake up and do something concrete. Just hitting the keyboard key, like I am doing, is not good enough. Let us support the men and women who have taken up arms to liberate us.
    “yemeta biressa yetemeta ayresam”

  2. the weyane leader has perfected the art of deceiving; lying, hoodwinking and cheating in a convincing manner not only to these Africans, but to the whole world including the super powers. No one has accomplished this before. He must be given an award for that.

  3. The ugly midget, nothing can make him look good … no matter what. They can elect him king of Anatolia for all I care, he would still remain a cheap ignoble ugly midget.

    He is desperatly trying to buy or earn our respect … that is not possible.

  4. It is really incredible how these thieves stick together. Unfortunately, corrupt African leaders are in the majority. As for Meles he has perfected the art of lying so much that for most outsiders, it is difficult to discern his manoeuvrings. Since lying has become second nature to him he is unable to accept truth and honesty when he is confronted with them. That is the reason why he often makes contradictory statements. At the moment he is busy selling off Ethiopian land to foreigners, while he refuses Ethiopians to own land. A few years ago, he said never in his lifetime would he allow Ethiopian farmers to own land, because they would sell their land and come to the cities if they are unable to sell their produce. What a diabolic mind!

  5. The re-election of Meles Zenawi to represent the other African dictators in the coming global climate conference demonstrates the unfathomable ignorance each African leader has inherited from his/her predecessor in misleading the African continent.

    Intoxicated with imported French wine, haunted by the ghost of Emperor Haile Selassie, founder of the AU, amazed by the old history of the Ethiopian people, completely lost in admiration that Ethiopia has been the symbol of freedom for the rest of the African nations, mesmerized by the extraordinary beauties of the Ethiopian girls in Addis Ababa, and completely speechless in front of a frightening figure – Meles Seitanawi (Zenawi) – the African dictators have no other choice but to re-elect blindly Meles Seitanawi for his generosity in providing these African monsters delicious food, strong wine, hot girls, refined African music, long sleep in comfortable beds in the most expensive Addis Ababa hotels and rich breakfast while they are in their pajamas on their beds early in the morning.

    These pleasure-loving and do-nothing African leaders are expressing their heat-felt praises to Meles Seitanawi by re-electing him as their undisputable leader for allowing them to touch the smooth bodies of these well-trained Ethiopian girls in the entertainment business. Most of them want to stay longer and never to leave Addis Ababa especially its colorful night clubs, full of young boys and young girls, kicking their feet, moving fast forward and backward to the harmony of the Ethiopian or the European music in the middle of the night till early morning.

    By the way, can these African leaders do a mediatory work between Meles Zenawi and Birtukan Mideksa, a political prisoner who is familiar to the Qaliti jail? They are able to shield Al Bashir, the President of Sudan, from being taken away from Sudan to the International Court in Haig. I’m sure they can improve their nationally and internationally tarnished political images and the survival of the AU itself if they convince Meles Seitanawi to free Birtukan from the Qaliti jail.

    Most Africans are good in solving a family problem by becoming effective ሺማግሌዎች (mediators) and in resolving the disputes between two parties without punishing the offenders and without rewarding the victims.

    Can someone write a letter to these confused African dictators, expressing that there is a young Ethiopian woman who has been, leaving behind her young daughter and her old mother, unjustly jailed for the whole year without any criminal records?

    Freeing Birtukan Mideksa, an internationally known political prisoner, will be a great surprise for each one of the African heads of states and especially for Birtukan’s young daughter and Birtukan’s old mother.

    As they stay in Addis Ababa for few days, they may not accomplish what matters for the African people, but they can say at least when they go home that they have liberated Birtukan from the Qaliti jail if they indeed work hard to bring this young lady out of the jail while they are here enjoying the Ethiopian hospitality. They can release her not only for political reasons but also for religious purposes since most of African leaders believe in some sort of divine power or benevolent God who commands his people to do good for another human being, and this another human being who needs help at this time is no one else but Birtukan Mideksa. Of course, some of these pharisaic African leaders may not want to meddle in other African States’ internal affairs, which means they may have their own political prisoners and that they don’t want any one to tell them what to do with such unjustly jailed men and women of their countries.

    Forgotten by the African leaders, deprived of her right from talking to the media about her prison conditions, closely watched or monitored by Meles gang squad, malnourished and depressed, Birtukan Mideksa remains in jail until Washington and London put their political pressures on the Ethiopian evil leader, Meles Seitanawi, to release her from her uncalled for incarceration.

  6. I don’t know whether Meles is a smart person. What I know is that he’s a ruthless person who will do anything to hold on to power. The main reason for his/TPLF’s remaining on power is because of the support he is receiving from US and other western nations. Otherwise, the TPLF would have been in the dust bin of history long ago. It’s simply unimaginable that the clique would be able to commit its 18 year long crime sprees on the Ethiopian and other neighboring peoples. The only sure way to fight this regime is by making alliances with all the victims of the messenger of doom that it the Woayne.

  7. BEWUR BET ANDAYENA BIRK NEW – Meles has master of looting and killing and for sure there are some very advanced in the looting and killing but may be they do not have degree from Open University. Meles does not care to sale Africa or Ethiopia for the highest bidder that is why the WEST loves such “friendly tyrants” who terrorize their people and sell people`s land as seen in Gambella/Ethiopia.

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