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China creates its own fake Peace Prize (video)

The ruling Chinese Communist Party is a growing threat to freedom in the world. The MSNBC report in the video below about China bullying 19 countries not to attend the Nobel Peace Award and creating its own peace prize is an eye opener. China must be stopped before it is too late. Simply stop buying Chinese products until China starts respecting basic civil rights.

14 thoughts on “China creates its own fake Peace Prize (video)

  1. Elias, please focus issues related to your country. in the first place the chinese disident prize winner in is the puppet of USA. The US is behind to award the peace prize to him. Elias you know better, let me give you another clue the ICC is another instrument for the WEST to kill the progress or colonize developing nations. I don’t have to tell you the details.
    These days you seems confused.

  2. America and Britian have hijacked all an international institution to fillfull their national interest.UN became teethless dog because USA and UK hijacked and rejected it’s decidion and invaded Iraqi to loott iraqish oil. They gave one price a cuba desenet , another for china and the last for mymar disenet because both these countries are out of USA and UK hand. They can not control by any means. to distabilize those countries which are out of USA and UK touch, they should use all alternatives .Why did not they give one for w/t britukan? because meles is their dog. They had , have will never have such an opportunities to control ethiopia. meles is their best slave in the 21st c. To reward Birtukan means to offend their slave. So let CCN SAYS BLA BLA. The world will get peace with out UK and USA. and most poor countries must stand with China to drive them selves out of poverity.

  3. while the Nobel peace prize recognizes those who make outstanding contribution to peace and harmony, the Chinese peace prize represents mayhem and anarchy in the world. I believe his excellency legesse zenawi will get the next prize in the category for outstanding hatred to the people of a country that he reigns over. He will also win in the category for being a coward who resorts to arbitrary killing and arrest to protect his illegitimate power. he will also win the category named after Idi amin of Uganda for being a cruel schizophrenic leader in the 20th century.

  4. “The ruling Chinese Communist Party is a growing threat to freedom in the world…”

    Multipolar world is a salvage for 3rd world countries. In the last decade alone, more than 10 million people died in civil war in the “forgotten Continent”, Africa. In Congo alone more than 6 million!! But few know this story and the reason behind.

  5. I wish we can bully china by threatening them of don’t buy china, but unfortunately they finance our debt and they bought two trillion US government bond and that is essentially hostage scenario. Any time the US makes a bad move,if at all capable of, China will dump the dollar from it’s reserve in favor of some other currency which will overnight make the dollar worthless paper.No county will buy the US bond and the US won’t be able to borrow or borrowing will be very expensive as it currently the case with Ireland.Simply this scenario will devastate the US economy and will make the US a banana and beef exporting nation with the economy some where between Argentina and Brazil. Both China and the US are aware of this fact and that is why the US President blinked first when negotiating on Chinese currency devaluation with his Chinese counterpart in the latest G20 summit. Beware of what you are praying for! As for our billionaires who have moved their factories and services to China, if they are forced to choose they will chose China where the money and the market is. What to do? we need a change,not the one Obama promised but a real one which can change the equation.

  6. December 15, 2010

    Heroic, Female and Muslim

    By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF, The New York Times

    What’s the ugliest side of Islam? Maybe it’s the Somali Muslim militias that engage in atrocities like the execution of a 13-year-old girl named Aisha Ibrahim. Three men raped Aisha, and when she reported the crime she was charged with illicit sex, half-buried in the ground before a crowd of 1,000 and then stoned to death. That’s the extremist side of Islam that drives Islamophobia in the United States, including Congressional hearings on American Muslims that House Republicans are planning for next year. But there’s another side of Islam as well, represented by an extraordinary Somali Muslim woman named Dr. Hawa Abdi who has confronted the armed militias. Amazingly, she forced them to back down — and even submit a written apology. Glamour magazine, which named Dr. Hawa a “woman of the year,” got it exactly right when it called her “equal parts Mother Teresa and Rambo.” Dr. Hawa, a 63-year-old ob-gyn who earned a law degree on the side, is visiting the United States to raise money for her health work back home. A member of Somalia’s elite, she founded a one-room clinic in 1983, but then the Somalian government collapsed, famine struck, and aid groups fled. So today Dr. Hawa is running a 400-bed hospital. Over the years, the hospital became the core of something even grander. Thousands and thousands of people displaced by civil war came to shelter on Dr. Hawa’s 1,300 acres of farmland around the hospital. Today her home and hospital have been overtaken by a vast camp that she says numbers about 90,000 displaced people. Dr. Hawa supplies these 90,000 people with drinking water and struggles to find ways to feed them. She worries that handouts breed dependency (and in any case, United Nations agencies can’t safely reach her now to distribute food), so she is training formerly nomadic herding families to farm and even to fish in the sea. She’s also pushing education. An American freelance journalist, Eliza Griswold, visited Dr. Hawa’s encampment in 2007 and 2008 and was stunned that an unarmed woman had managed to create a secure, functioning oasis surrounded by a chaotic land of hunger and warlords. Ms. Griswold helped Dr. Hawa start a school for 850 children, mostly girls. It’s only a tiny fraction of the children in the camp, but it’s a start. (Ms. Griswold also wrote movingly about Dr. Hawa in her book “The Tenth Parallel: Dispatches from the Fault Line Between Christianity and Islam.”) In addition, Dr. Hawa runs literacy and health classes for women, as well as programs to discourage female genital mutilation. And she operates a tiny jail — for men who beat their wives. “We are trying an experiment,” she told me. “We women in Somalia are trying to be leaders in our community.” So Dr. Hawa had her hands full already — and then in May a hard-line militia, Hizb al-Islam, or Party of Islam, decided that a woman shouldn’t run anything substantial. The militia ordered her to hand over operations, and she refused — and pointedly added: “I may be a woman, but I’m a doctor. What have you done for society?” The Party of Islam then attacked with 750 soldiers and seized the hospital. The world’s Somalis reacted with outrage, and the militia backed down and ordered Dr. Hawa to run the hospital, but under its direction. She refused. For a week there were daily negotiations, but Dr. Hawa refused to budge. She demanded that the militia not only withdraw entirely but also submit a written apology. “I was begging her, ‘Just give in,’ ” recalled Deqo Mohamed, her daughter, a doctor in Atlanta who spoke regularly to her mother by telephone. “She was saying, ‘No! I will die with dignity.’ ” It didn’t come to that. The Party of Islam tired of being denounced by Somalis at home and around the world, so it slinked off and handed over an apology — but also left behind a wrecked hospital. The operating theater still isn’t functional, and that’s why Dr. Hawa is here, appealing for money (especially from ethnic Somalis). She has worked out an arrangement with Vital Voices, a group that helps to empower female leaders, to channel tax-deductible contributions to her hospital. What a woman! And what a Muslim! It’s because of people like her that sweeping denunciations of Islam, or the “Muslim hearings” planned in Congress, rile me — and seem profoundly misguided. The greatest religious battles are often not between faiths, but within faiths. The widest gulfs are often not those that divide one religion from the next, but those between extremists and progressives within a single faith. And in this religious season, there’s something that we can all learn from the courage, compassion and tolerance of Dr. Hawa Abdi. •

  7. Thanks to China Africa and Ethiopia are growing faster. The west deliberately kept African resources as a reserve for next millennia,(after they exhaust Middle East and Asia)but thanks to China and India we are in demand for the first time ever. Look at the top 10 fastest growing economies in the world, almost all are from Africa. Africa is the fastest growing continent in the world, Why, because we do business with China.
    I can understand the panic and all sort of character accusations from the west, but why would an African dare to criticize China specially an Ethiopian??? Brain washed.

  8. A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing is an idiom of Biblical origin. It is used of those playing a role contrary to their real character, with whom contact is dangerous. As a fable it has been falsely credited to Aesop and the theme is now numbered 451 in Perry’s list. The phrase originates in a sermon by Jesus recorded in the Christian Bible: Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves (Gospel of Matthew, 7:15 – King James Version). The sermon then suggests that their true nature will be revealed by their actions (by their fruits shall ye know them, verse 16). In the centuries following, the phrase was used many times in the Latin writings of the Church Fathers[1] and later on in European vernacular literature.[2] A Latin proverb also emerged, Pelle sub agnina latitat mens saepe lupina (Under a sheep’s skin often hides a wolfish mind). Although the story of a wolf disguised as a sheep has been counted as one of Aesop’s Fables in modern times, there is no record of it before the 12th century and it does not appear in any of the main sources of the fables. Added evidence of its being from a folk source is the fact that the general situation of a wolf disguising itself appears in three distinct stories with diverse moral applications. Later tellings follow one or another of these. Woodcut by Francis Barlow, 1687; the end of “The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” The first such story is told by the 12th century Greek rhetorician Nikephoros Basilakis in a work called Progymnasmata (rhetorical exercizes). It is prefaced with the comment that ‘You can get into trouble by wearing a disguise’ and is followed by the illustrative story. ‘A wolf once decided to change his nature by changing his appearance, and thus get plenty to eat. He put on a sheepskin and accompanied the flock to the pasture. The shepherd was fooled by the disguise. When night fell, the shepherd shut up the wolf in the fold with the rest of the sheep and as the fence was placed across the entrance, the sheepfold was securely closed off. But when the shepherd wanted a sheep for his supper, he took his knife and killed the wolf.'[3] The conclusion drawn is different from the Gospel story. In the former one is warned to beware of hypocritical evil-doers; Nikephoros warns that evil-doing carries its penalty. The next version does not appear until three centuries later in the Hecatomythium of the 15th century Italian professor Laurentius Abstemius. In his telling, ‘A wolf, dressed in a sheep’s skin, blended himself in with the flock of sheep and every day killed one of the sheep. When the shepherd noticed this was happening, he hanged the wolf on a very tall tree. On other shepherds asking him why he had hanged a sheep, the shepherd answered: The skin is that of a sheep, but the activities were those of a wolf.’ Abstemius’ comment on the story follows the Biblical interpretation: ‘people should be judged not by their outward demeanor but by their works, for many in sheep’s clothing do the work of wolves’.[4] The commonest retelling of the story in English follows Abstemius and credits it to Aesop. Yet another variation turns up in the Cento favole morali (“100 moral fables”, 1570) of the Italian poet Giovanni Maria Verdizotti (1525–1600). In this the wolf disguises itself as a shepherd, but when it tries to imitate his call it wakes the real shepherd and his dogs. Since the wolf is encumbered by its disguise, it cannot get away and is killed. This is the version that Jean de la Fontaine follows in his Fables (III.3).[5] The conclusion both poets draw is the same as that of Nikephoros. The story entered the English canon under the title “The Wolf turned Shepherd” in the 1884 edition of Aesop’s Fables: A New Revised Version From Original Sources. Interpretations Earlier illustrations of the fable concentrated on the hanging of the wolf. More recently the emphasis has been on the disguise.[6] In France the theme of the wolf disguised as a shepherd is more common.[7] A number of recent CDs are titled “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”, although most are references to the idiom and the fable is not mentioned in the words of any of the songs. The same is true of many songs that have the phrase as their title. One exception is the lyric by Tackhead on their 1991 CD Strange Things, which uses the fable for a satirical attack on Capitalist entrepreneurs.[8]-Wikipedia

    Party of One: Michael Savage, unexpurgated

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