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6 thoughts on “Beka (video)

  1. Amen to that!!!!
    ” for any change to happen, the need for change has to be greater than the resistance for change”
    and I think we are at that point. Let’s get rid off the Nazi’awi Meles.

  2. It never for ever! Time are coming to melas and his tuge; a voice of those stand on right side of history will always be forward. Until the truth previle!

    Thanks to this web and others whom riseing up agnest the tyrane gangs group of melas.

  3. Ethiopia is cursed . Meles Zenawi is just fullfiling the curse . Unless the curse is lifted Ethiopia will not prosper . May the witches and old wise fortune tellers figure it out because nobody else seem to be able to figure out the way to lift up the curse so far . Curse lifting requires critical thinking and going back in history road. All Ethiopian historians and philosophers should work towards finding the core issues behind the curse .

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