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10 thoughts on “Col. Abebe Geresu on Oromo contribution to Ethiopian unity

  1. It is time moderate oromos come out and speak. The so called liberation fronts as we witness through tplf are stooges to outside and for themselves and nothing to do with their ethnic groups. You can never stand for your own ethnic groups if you create animosty of other ethnic groups towards them and forgetting that you are very much influenced by who you live with in your neighborhoods around you meaning other ethnic groups. The best thing you can do for your ethnic groups is to make sure you have leadership in the political system, economic wellbeing and harmony with yourself and other ethnic groups. That is all. however, many years of olF working with tPLF and shaebia has brought nothing but misery for the oromo people pretending that the amara is the problem. what about today, the oromo in their own land are being colonized by other countries. tell me olf is doing good things for oromo people except being a great tool for tplf and creating negative energy within them so that they live in hatred. the goal is to be part of the leadership. i hope they learn from recent FARC groups of Spain who finally dropped their separatist ideology. as the situation is going around they know Basque people will not live in harmony and will not be protected as single country by themselves and they woke up and said they are one and parcel of spain. This however does not mean that they are going to stop keeping fighting for the rights and leadership of their people within Spain. Besides, these separatist groups as in olf will be used as tools again by outsiders thinking it will benefit their people. one must understand the idea of creating enemies with the people you live with for so long one way or another will never be good. take an example of Eritrea, until today we are fighting with them it has been good for us or for themselves as well. there will be new generations from both sides who will make this relationship worse.

  2. Col. Abebe God bless you. Woyanne has done every thing it could to drive a wedge between Oromos and Amharas, but it didn’t succeed because of patriotic Ethiopians like you.

  3. The Hindi style: the Hindi people liberated all nations and nationalities in their region and named the whole country as India, made the Hindi language as the working language of the Indian federation and of course divided the national area of Hindi into multiple federal regions. Why not we, the Oromo people, liberate the whole nations and nationalities in the Ethiopian empire, call the whole country Oromia and promote Afaan Oromo to the working language of the federation, with the historical local Odaa’s of Oromia being the future separate federal regions of the country?

  4. Unity of what?,
    Unity of territorial or Unity of the people?.The last 120 years, by the name of territorial unity( Imiyee Ethiopia or death) did not take us nowhere except led us as the least developed and the poorest nation on earth when in reality if properly managed and governed by our capable of technocrat only one our province could have fed us as it reported by human and natural resources of analysts. But, we are the unfortunate nation always hijacked by such mentality rather than reflecting the reality confronting us: Justice, Freedom and Rule of law as the common interest for all.
    For such vision we need the true unity of the people based on mutual respect and a durable stabilty among nations and nationalities in which form of state we can live together. As far as Oromos and Ahmaras concerned, we can be a strategical alliance a similar to Germany and French. We should see forward as a mutual benefit or otherwise for the consequences. If the true unity of the people assured it is only the sky limit.

  5. Aba Tobia
    Endante yale kebt ena dedeb and lemagn new eko ethiopian yarakotew.

    Ante kefu ena ergum neh endezihu endetekbezebek tenoraleh.

    You think you know but You are a morn-please we now you and do not please represent Amhara. ANte aynet bekt ena supid amhara ayawekewem.

    Lezelalem yeteregemk hun. Do not try to split people who lived together. Do not you know that Ethiopia is a black nation that alll the western know and must be proud pof that. Do not spray your poison of segeregating people

    We know you-the weyane messenger…. never thin again that by naratting this stupid legend, will succeed in dividng ethiopians. This is obsolate.

  6. Has any one seen the video by professor Muse Tegegne on Ethiomedia? disappearances like this must have been taking place for a long time and according to the professor so many like Colonel Abebe Geressu had disappeared over the years.I wondered why Ethiopian review didn’t post the professors video on its page…while at the same time telling us the news about Col.Abebe and Tadesse.There is even more on the professor’s video.I recommend all ER readers to visit Ethiomedia and find out more.

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