Woyanne’s Agia Forum reaction to H.R. 2003

from Aiga Forum [email protected]
to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
cc [email protected]
date Oct 2, 2007 7:41 PM

subject Re: EPRP and Yosef have to apologize for their misinformation on H.R. 2003

Never mind about your inner squabbles but if your struggle was for HR2003 to make it to the house then congratulation! But if it was and is to make it a law of the US then aren’t you ahead of yourself!? Since when does a bill become a law simply because a zealot congressman finds a way to sneak in his bill to make it out of the House?

HR2003 will not become a law and even if it becomes it won’t buy you a seat in Menelik Palace! This we can guarantee you over our dead body! Can you say the same on your part?
