Woyanne issues press release on recent changes in OLF

EDITOR’S NOTE: A joke to start the week with.

Press Release: Ministry of Information

Political objective and leadership devoid of public support shall never be victorious

Various international sources including the leadership of the self-proclaimed Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) are expressing that the leadership of the anti-peace and terrorist group has crumbled due to internal differences. It is obvious that the group would sooner or later suffer such catastrophe for its anti-people and anti-democratic policies and objectives.

In view of the destructive activities the OLF is bent on, its objectives and organization, the front can never appeal any public support. Moreover, the inhumane killings and terrifying crimes the group is committing against the very people it claims to struggle for, clearly show its anti-people stance. Apart from joining international terrorist groups and benefiting from their all rounded support, OLF has been disrupting peace and stability in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, at various times.

The front has been persistently attempting to take direct military actions against Ethiopia. However, with the concerted efforts and the coordinated struggle of the public and the defense forces, the anti-people position of the front has remained naked since its inception. Through organizing and coordinating its infamous agents, the front has caused the death and ruthless injury to innocent civilians in its grenade attacks throughout Addis Ababa and some towns and cities in the regional states. Most of these anti-peace elements were destroyed and many others put under legal custody by the close collaboration of the public and the Ethiopian security forces.

OLF is an anti-people and anti-democratic group, which isolated itself from the public, refused and left its involvement in the peaceful and democratic political arena and set out against national and public interest.

Because of its anti-peace, anti-people and anti-democratic position as well as its persistent political failure, the leadership has been suffering internal and external divisions and conflicts. The selfish OLF leaders have no sense of responsibility in using the innocent members of the front for their own cynical motives. The whole leadership and a few of its supporters are political gamblers who live peaceful and luxurious lives abroad, running businesses in the name of the people.

Senior OLF leaderships who are running their business and making efforts for political asylum in the name of political struggle, have now encountered the crises of internal split. In this regard, even ordinary members of the group have condemned the leadership and are leaving the front. This clearly shows that OLF is totally lacking mass base.

The front has lost the trust of most of its members for exposing them to lots of trouble, and for committing inhuman crimes against them by deceiving, kidnapping and forcing them to leave their country. Various bodies including its own senior leaders are now publicizing these inhuman acts.

The division among the senior leadership of the front demonstrates OLF’s anti-democratic and anti-people nature. It is on this ground that the public as well as the peace-loving international community have been condemning its evil agenda.

The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), which once walked away from the peaceful and democratic opportunities to join terrorist groups, can never attain its objectives. However, the struggle of democratic forces will always triumph.