Ethiopian political leaders must disclose their assets

By Joe Michael

One of the unfolded issues in the mysterious government of Ethiopia is how much money the so-called elected leaders are earning. Ever since the TPLF rebel fighters took over the leadership, their earnings have never been disclosed. There has never been a single elected public servant who registered his/her assets prior to taking public office. The former CUD leaders disclosed their assets before the controversial 2005 election in an attempt to be role models of good public servants. Unfortunately, all good things must come from TPLF that CUD leaders were considered as hateful for disclosing their own assets. Until today, the public has been kept in the dark and don’t know how much the TPLF leaders are making and how much assets do they have.

Such objectionable ignorance has been forcing many of us to raise rational questions such as, why do TPLF leaders keep their assets undisclosed? How much money these leaders are earning? etc.

When TPLF controlled the country in 1991, it had nothing much than the weapons it confiscated from the Derg. The Prime Minster, then President, himself stated in 1991 that they took over the country’s leadership with zero capital. Today, TPLF owns a number of businesses; factories, enterprises, etc. Where did the money come from? Billions of dollars have been invested in the party’s name and few individuals are in charge of huge money transaction. Those, who have direct benefit from these investments, including those inside the country and their agents throughout the world, never want to see TPLF questioned because they will be deprived of their benefits.

Elected leaders and appointed officials must file declaration of their assets. By doing so, when ever they decide on the issues of public policy, their personal interests will not cloud their judgment that their decisions will be based solely on what is best for the public as a whole. Thus, it is of paramount importance for TPLF leaders to disclose their personal and business assets. Otherwise, it is difficult to believe that the policy they are making is to the best interest of the country and its people.
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The writer can be reached at [email protected]