Ethiopia: Mass detention of Oromos continue

Widespread arrest of Oromos in Addis Ababa and other parts of the counrty continued, this time targeting women, including a 3-year-old child, OLF News correspondent reported from Addis Ababa.

Among several women who were apprehended from their homes and work places in Addis Ababa on November 4 and 5, 2008, by the government “security” forces that wear plain cloth are Mrs. Asaadaa Imaanaa; Mrs. Caaltuu Taakkalaa; Mrs. Urgee Abbabaa fi; Mrs. Dirribee (Boontuu) Ittaanaa.

Particularly, Mrs. Urgee Abbabaa is reported to have been arrested with all her family: her brother Darguu, her husband Girmaa and more shockingly, with her three year old child.

This is a continuation of the current wave of arrest of the Oromo people by the regime in power, as reported by OLF News and many other media outlets, including TPLF government controlled media.

It is also to be recalled that OLF News has reported that, on October 30, 2008 the TPLF forces have arrested a prominent Oromo TV journalist Mrs. Lalisee Wadaajoo, the wife of Mr. Dhaabasa Wakjira, a journalist himself detained for three years and now forced into exile.

As we have reported earlier, Mrs. Wadaajoo have been denied visit of her relatives which only strengthened the suspicion that she must have been severely brutalized in prison. Particularly from the latest report, which indicates that, the lawyer of Mrs. Wadaajoo was turned down and even intimidated when he attempted to visit her on November 3, 2008.

– Source: OLF