Woyanne’s violent reaction to ER’s “Person of the Year”

By Elias Kifle

It was easy to predict how cadres and supporters of the ruling Tigrean People Liberation Front (Woyanne) would react to Ethiopian Review’s choice of President Issayas Afeworki as “Person of the Year.” Woyannes have committed and continue to commit unspeakable atrocities against Ethiopians. Because they have no fear of and respect for the leaderless people of Ethiopia, they carry out their crimes with impunity. On the other hand, Meles and gang know what they did to Eritreans. The ethnic cleansing these Woyanne hyenas committed against 500,000 Eritreans is a crime against humanity and Meles, Seye and all those who participated in it will be brought to justice sooner or later by the lions of Eritrea. This is what keeps Woyannes sleepless at night. It is therefore expected that they would react extremely violently to the choice of Issayas Afeworki by the most popular Ethiopian online journal as “Person of the Year.” The messages I am receiving on my phone tells it all.

I have saved some of the death threats. Here are two of them (click below or here)

As you can hear, their voice is dripping with murderous hate and rage.
So far, Meles and his tribal gang have succeeded in identifying and eliminating genuine leaders of Ethiopia such as Prof. Asrat Woldeyes. A people without powerful leaders are easily subjugated by criminal elements like Woyanne. People who have determined, pragmatic, smart leaders can fend off against any force. We have seen it in Somalia. A group of determined leaders with a clear vision of what they want (removal of the Woyanne invading forces from their country) did not need more than 3,000 fighters to crush the 300,000 strong Woyanne army.
What Ethiopians at the moment lack is such leaders. Fortunately, there are some who are emerging now, such as the EPPF and Ginbot 7 leaders whose movements are gaining momentum, thanks, in part, to the assistance provided by the government of Eritrea. As Somali freedom fighters succeeded in defeating the Woyanne army with the assistance of Eritrea’s government and Somalis in the Diaspora, so will Ethiopian freedom fighters. That is the path to victory against Woyanne.
Regarding the death threats I am receiving, they will hear it back when they sit in a court room to defend themselves against charges of war crimes soon. Please do continue to leave me your messages. Here is my number: 202 369 9543.