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What will you do if you are Ethiopia’s president?

Ethiopian Review invites readers to share with us what 10 things you will do immediately if you are elected as the president or prime minister of Ethiopia. Your ideas will help parties to formulate their political program in line with what the people want. We are also asking Ethiopian scholars and prominent individuals the same question. So far we posted responses from the following individuals (click on their names to read):

* Aklog Birara
* Dejenie A. Lakew
* Gabe Hamda
* Getachew Metaferia
* Messay Kebede
* Obang Metho
* Sioum Gebeyehou
* Solomon Negash
* Tecola Hagos
* Teddy Fikre

42 thoughts on “What will you do if you are Ethiopia’s president?

  1. Given the current situation in our country my number 1 action will be, release all prisoners of conscious, 2. Free the judiciary system, 3. Free the press 4. Free the military 5. Invite all the opposition groups for discussion 6. Invite each and every Ethiopian for cooperation 7. Invite all friends of Ethiopia for help 8. Set up independent election observer 9. Run election 10. Appoint the winner as prime Minster

  2. 1. i would first remove TPLF agents from all of oromia.
    2. create reconciliation between our oromo people and other ethiopians.
    3. organize referendum for oromia independence
    4. allow all voices to be heard during the vote
    5. if oromo people choose unity, we run a national election with independent institution for ethiopia
    6. if oromo people choose independence, we organize oromia election for presidency
    7. monitor boundaries between oromia and ethiopia for peaceful secession
    8. create border meeting for peaceful and stable secession process in every corner
    9. vote on union of independent countries like oromia, abyssinia, eritrea, ogadenia etc.
    10. and probably create a mini confederation or other economic union while maintaining oromia sovereignity

  3. If I am the president of Ethiopia, I will do the following:

    1. Explain to my people I am their servant.
    2. Tell them my government belongs to them.
    3. Assure them they have the right to recall me if they are unsatisfied with my leadership.
    4. Promise them there will be a transparency in what I do.
    5. Declare to them there will be no Amhara or Oromo Kilil because all Ethiopians are the same, regardless of color, race, ethnicity and religion.
    6. Allow them to join any political party they like.
    7. Make them believe in practice my government is based on pure democracy.
    8. Instill in them a sense of belongingness to one Ethiopia.
    9. Encourage them to live in peace with their neighbors and especially to establish a strong relationship with Eritrea.
    10. Confirm to them strongly that I will pay my taxes as they always do.

  4. 1 aplogise to the people of ethiopia
    2 condemn all the atrocities done by the previous gov.
    3 Free Press
    4 Make judiciary, the Police and the military non poletical
    5 do what you can can to reestablish a just unity to ethiopia and eritrea.

  5. When I am PM of Ethiopia by the end of May 2010 election, I will do the following.

    1. Re-define the federal states not only based on language but also based on resources, and simplicity to administration

    2. Establish Independent justice system

    3. Establish Truely Free election comission.

    4. Set maximum term of PM to be 10 yrs !

    5. Remove article 39.

    6. Return to the people all the wealth accumulated by tplf including the giant EFFORT

    7. Change all the focus of the country so that no one should be hungry.

    8. Want to see the current tplf leaders face an a very ohnest and true, independent JUSTICE.
    finally pardon them after they serve 10 % of their term. No death penality.

    9. Industry lead economy !

    10. Focus on quality Education

  6. Elias that is a great question.

    If i were elected as president i would do these things in the order they appear.
    1. i would demand the return of our land from Sudan in diplomatic way.
    2. i would make sure all the farmers gets the land back that was taken from them.
    3. I would free all prisoners of conscious
    4. I would allow all Ethiopians to have freedom of speech, and implement a law that would protect every one’s human right.
    5. I would strength our educational system
    6. I would enforce free market
    7. free press
    8. I would encourage multi-party system
    9. I would develop a program that would allow Ethiopians to become technologically competitive so we can use our resources in full.
    10. I would develop a health care system that gives all Ethiopian chance to fight illness.

  7. 1. Arrest Meles Zenawi & most of the TPLF wing of his governmen and try them for crime against humanity and for treason.

    2. Dissolve and repeal the so-called weyanne constitution and inistitute a democraticly elected constituent assembly to draft a new constitition that adopts the will of the majority of the Ethiopian people.

    3. End the barbaric and primitive ethnic based governance

    4. Liquidate all TPLF/Weyanne owned embezzling entities such as EFFORT, MEGA, etc and return all stolen property to its rightful owners’ the Ethiopian people/treasury.

    5. Return or stolen land propery (Humera, etc.) and all or other assets to its rightful owners or localities.

    6. Dissolve and replace the upper echelon of the Ethiopian armed forces with able generals and officers that reflects & truly represnts the Ethiopia people.

  8. 1) I will assemble team of experts from public policy, social science, business, technology and international relations. The key criteria of expert recruiting are
    a. Love for our children and grand children, somebody who cares for them that at least they can live better life than us. I will pick a pregnant homeless lady from Addis street and the oath ceremony of the experts will be on her womb
    b. Depth of knowledge in their field (both theoretical and practical knowledge) as well as at least average understanding of other disciplines
    c. Team working and ability to listen others.
    2) Then I will come with a Grand national policy to revamp the economy. While the detail will be left for the experts, I want the policy to have these elements
    a. Deadline to end foreign aid reception (just as Obama put deadline for Afgan). By that deadline, the nation should be able to feed itself and have a self sustainable budget. Having a deadline will send a message to everybody that we are serious about this
    b. Increase the economy of the nation (I don’t know the exact metric to measure it..but you know what I mean)
    c. I want to have large middle class than few high class citizens. Because, the richer the middle class is, the more decentralized will be power distribution among citizens. And if I have many powerful people (a powerful middle class) , I have better chance of bringing justice and democracy to the nation. Justice and democracy are my next agenda(See #4)
    3) While executing the Grand national policy outlined above, I will make the media, judiciary, police, military and election board independent from any political party (including my own party) and I will increase their professional capacity too
    4) Once the economy is self sustaining and there is no famine, I will DIRECTLY talk to the people about ethnic, sexism and other social issues too. At this time, I will open a national debate about these issues on how to best solve them. Hopefully, the output of that debate will be a national consensus on how people can be represented in the government and how they can control the government. This national consensus will in turn boost the economy in #1
    5) I guess by this time somebody will shoot me or Ethiopian Review will instigate revolution against me…

  9. This is a good topic to discuss.

    Anyway, if somehow, the Meles regime ends someday, the first thing Ethiopians need to do is to convene a national conference under the auspicies of the UN, EU, US and some other democratic countries like Japan and Australia.

    The aim of the conference should focus on:

    1/ Writing a new constitution
    2/ Decide on various systems including:
    i. Presidential system like the US
    ii. Parliamentary system under a figure head president with the prime minister being the CEO
    iii. Constitutional monarchy under parliamentary system with the prime minister being the CEO
    3/ Independent media
    4/ Independent military
    5/ Independent police
    6/ Independent judiciary
    7/ Free land for farmers
    8/ Abolition of ethnic separation like apartheid
    9/ Freedom of movement
    10/ Federation with Eritrea

  10. 1.Formulate a law for a peaceful life in the country for higher government authorities after pension.
    2.Make strong method of control for any type of corruption.
    3.Meet with all economists of the country for better economy.
    4.Discuss the constitution among people.
    5.Population control
    6.Free education.
    7.Have only 2 or 3 parties.
    8.Encourage private industries
    9.Federal system
    10.Transfer my position to the next person next day

  11. እኔ የኢትዮጵያ ፕሬዚዳንት ብሆን የመጀመሪያ 10 አላማዎቼ-
    1. በትክክለኛው የደሞክራሲ ትርጉም ማመን እና በተግባር ለህዝቤ ማካፈል።
    2. ኢትዮጵያን ዘላለም ለጦርነት የሚጋብዛትን ዳር ዲንበሯን ማስከበር- ማለትም ከአዋሳኝ አገሮች ጋር በመወያየት ቑሚ የሆነ የድንበር ምልክት በማቆም የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ከጦርነት ማላቀቅ።
    በተለይ ከኤርትራ ጋር ያለውን ዉዝግብ በሰላም መፍታት። ሰላም የማይፈልጉ ከሆነ ደግሞ የአገሬን ድንበር በራሴ ቑሚ ምልክት በማድረግ ከዛች ምልክት ስንዝር አንዳያልፉ ማገድ።
    3. በኢትዮጵያ ዉስጥም ሆነ ዉጭ ያለውን ከፍተኛ የብሄር ብጥብጥ እና ጥላቻ ማስወገድ። ህዝቡን ስለ ደሞክራሲ የተግባር ስራ በማስተማር መብት እና ግደታዉን በትክክል እንዳዉቅ ማድረግ።
    4. አሁን ባለው አምባገነን መንግስት አማካኝነት በ1990ዎቹ የተፈጸሙትን ያልተስተካከሉ ክልላዊ አና ዞናዊ ድንበሮችን አንድ በአንድ እንደገና በማየት በአገር ሽማግሌዎች እና በኢትዮጵያ ታሪካዊ ካርታ በመደገፍ በሚገባ ኗሪው ህዝብ በሚስማማበት መልኩ ማስተካከል።
    5. የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በፈለገው መልኩ ያለምንም መሸማቀቅ ድምጹን በመስጠት መሪውን እንድመርጥ ሙሉ ዋስትና መስጠት።
    6. የ ኢትዮጵያ የሲቪል ፖሊስ ሃይል, የፈደራል ሰላም ኣስከባሪ ሃይል እና ወታደራዊ ህሃይሎች ምንም አይነት የፖለቲካ ጣልቃገብነት መብት እንደሌላቸው ቀድሜ በምረቃዬ ወቅት ማሳወቅ እና እውቅናውንም በተግባር ማሳየት።
    7. የ ኢትዮፕያ ህዝብ ከምግብ እጥረት ችግር የሚላቀቅበትን መፍትሄ መፈለግ። የዘመናዊ የመስኖ ዘደን በማስፋፋት እና ህዝቡን በማስተማር የረሃብን ችግር ከሃገሪቱ ማጥፋት።
    6. የ ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በማንኛውም ጊዜ በመንግስት ላይ የሰላማዊ ሰልፍ በማድረግ ቅሬታውን ቢያሳይ ምንም አይነት ተጽእኖ ከመንግስት የማይደርስበት መሆኑን እንዲያውቅ አና እንድረዳ በተግባር ማሳየት።
    8. በማንኛውም ጊዜ በማንኛውም አለም አቀፍ ጋዜጠኛ ስለፕሮግራሜ እና ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ጉዳይ ብጠየቅ አሁን እንዳሉት አምባገነን መሪዎች በብሄራዊ ቑንቑዬ ሳላፍርበት ህዝቤ በሚሰማው እና በሚረዳው ቑንቑ በመተንተን ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ያለኝን አላማ ማስረዳት።
    9. ህዝብ በእኔ አመራር ባለመደሰት በተመረጥኩ በሳምንት ጊዜ ውስጥም ቢሆን ከስልጣን እንድወርድ ቢጠይቀኝ ከ እሽ በስተቀር ሌላ እማራጭ የሌለኝ መሆኑን በግልጽ በመረዳት ስልጣኔን መልቀቅ።
    10. በኢትዮጵያዊነቴ በመኩራት በኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ላይ ለሚመጣ ማንኛውም ችግር በኢትጵያ ህዝብ ስም የራሴን ህይወት ቅድሚያ መስጠት።


    ይህ መልእክቴ በትክክል ለህዝብ ከደረሰ ለማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ ትምህርት እንደሚሆን አልጠራጠርም።

  12. If I were elected as president or PM of Ethiopia, I will do the following 10 things.
    1. Arrest all the current woyane officials
    2. Return the money or wealth looted by the woyane officials
    3. Develop new consitution and return the true flag of Ethio
    4. Give people freedom of press and freedom of speech
    5. design economic policy and control money laundering
    6. Bringing Ethiopianization with no ethincity
    7. Offer better equal justic and education and health system
    8. Transfer state owned ETV, ETC to privatization with no government control and intimidation
    9. Serve the poor and rich in equal basis and encourage them to actively participate in the nation politics.
    10. Reserve sit for disabled persons in parliament and step down from my position after serving 4 years

  13. 1.Scrap the ethnic federal system
    2. Provide couples with intra-ethnic marriage attractive incentives (& free condoms for those in dating stage) with the goal of the next generation having no point of taking about Amhara, Tigre, Oromo, Gurage, etc crap.
    2. Announce genetics engineering as a national agenda to encubate the next generation Ethiopian leaders with samples taken from all ethnic groups and cauccasion and Oriental too.
    {Ethiopia has no luck with leaders anyways}
    3. Scrap all local languages and make English as a national language and sign language as a backup.
    4. Check and balance (Separation of power)
    5. Education system that can add value to Ethiopian products and boost GDP…Goal: 2nd in Africa in 10 years
    6. Serious relation with Eritrea and set out plans to address contentious issues (like port) peacefully.
    7. Amnesty to all prisoners (2nd chance for everybody)
    8. Announce infrastructure grid (road, power, telecom) and invite help from EVERYBODY so by the end of the first phase is done, it will take 10 minutes train ride from Mekelle to addis. ..That means no point of geography/ethnic [AGAIN]

  14. 1.United Ethiopia
    2 Mandatory one or two term in power (not 20+ in power like Meles…)
    3. Free press,electoral board,judiciary, Parlama,Military,economy
    4. Liqudate TPLF owned companies
    5. Removing corruption
    6. Free from ethnic political system
    7. population control
    8. Requesting unity with Eritrea
    9. Surrendering the TPLF leaders.
    10. Human right

  15. Well,

    1) Try all the woyane gangs for crimes against humanity in the court of law.
    2) Make peace with Eritrea, by demarcating the border according to the peace agreement,no ifs or buts like meles is doing right now.
    3) Allowing the different freedom fighters to run for election and listning to their demands. Most importantly, The political spectrum of Ethiopia, should include all Ethiopians, such as the governemt should represent every Ethiopian, at lest in the cabinet level.

  16. guys, guys, guys–all decatators said the same ting what you all wrote. The problem is ones they take power they do the opposite
    If iam the presedent:-
    1- I will tell the etiopian people not to trust me or any one on my adminstration.
    2-organize and arm your self if any tyrant take so that you can overthrow me.
    3-dismantil my army because they nothing but a parasite.
    4-force velligization so that it easier to organize and force development in the rural sector.
    5-allow all kind of socioeconomic system to develop–be it capitalism, socialism but no feudalism.
    6-force education.
    7-school lunch program.
    8-force move society from less reductive to a more fertile uninhabited areas.
    9-and more

  17. The first thing I will do if I am a president of Ethiopia is to prevent its borders from other countries such as Sudan, Somalia and ‘Eritrea’. Secondly, I will ensure Ethiopia gets its own port access by hook or by crook. Thirdly, I will prevent Ethiopia from western bad cultural colonization. And finally, I will make sure to allocate ample budget on Education.

  18. Thanks Elias for this opportunity.

    If I am the President or Prime Minister of Ethiopia for one day, I will do the following ten most important activities:

    1.Implement the basic human rights to work in Ethiopian condition
    a).No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or Punishment.
    b).No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest and detention.
    c).Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
    d). Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association, and no one may be compelled to belong to an association.
    e).Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
    f).Free press, Free media,etc.
    g).Establishing , police, courts that is independent by the influence of the government.

    2.Prohibit ethnic or religious parties
    a).No political party shall be formed . on ethnic, gender, religious, regional, professional or other sectional divisions, or . which uses words, slogans or symbols which could arouse ethnic, gender, regional, professional or other sectional divisions.

    3. Make the country to take National Reconciliation Ordinance
    a).Promoting national reconciliation, fostering mutual trust and confidence amongst holders of public office and removing the vestiges of political vendetta and victimization, and making the election process more transparent.
    b).I will free prisoner of conscience .
    c).I will grant politicians, political workers and bureaucrats who were accused of corruption, embezzlement, money laundering, murder, and I will declare peace in the county.

    4.Make peace with neighboring countries keeping the benefit of Ethiopia.
    a).Make strategic talks with Eritrean government to create peace with these similar people for mutual benefit.
    b).Negotiate on the use of ASAB port with Eritrean government based on the benefit of people in both counties.
    c).Demark boarder issues based on peace full agreement between Ethiopia and Sudan keeping the benefit of Ethiopia.

    5.Capitalize on good works that Woyane has been doing this time
    a).Invest more on clean energy like Hydroelectric damp , wind Energy and selling this energy to the neighboring counties. I can use the oppotunites created by western world who want to invest more on clean energy sources.

    b).Invest more on infrastructure like road construction, Electrification for rural areas, rural schools, Rural health stations, etc.

    6.Change land ownership and land use policy
    a).Land need to be owned by individuals not by the government in Ethiopian condition
    b).Developing strategic planning how to reduce deforestation, soil erosion, and a wood-fuel crisis
    c).Avoid free grazing
    d).Work on soil conservation activities and afforestation
    e).Capitalize on agricultural lead policy

    7.Capitalize to improve quality higher education in particular and education system in the county in general

    a).Improve the quality of education particularly on Natural sciences fields.
    b).Invest on the universities to undertake quality research to solve the problem of the country.
    c).Coordinate universities and Research organizations to deal basic problems of the country.

    8.Focus to improve the system of each working sector of the country
    a).Creating a novel idea doesn’t necessarily make you successful but it is the process that makes you successful.
    b).Prioritize all sectors of the organization or institute to create a working system

    9.Put competent and reputed leaders on each organization
    a).Leaders need to be selected based on their capability but not with other merits .

    10.Preach love to my people to encourage and to make them to believe on my leadership.

    God Bless Ethiopia!

  19. If I were PM or president;;;;
    I will not kill or arrest anybody,including Meles.Because,It doesn’t help us.What I will do first and first is:
    1.National consensus(Beherawi Eriki!);;I will make sure and declare all Ethiopian(from south to north and from east to west)live in peace with out any fear in their country. This will include every one of ethiopian including Woyanne,Dergue,Meisson ,EPRP,,and etc.
    2.the second important thing: I will immediatelly change the “Land policy” and “economic policy”….
    Because,I believe that unless Ethiopian agricultue and land policy is not changed,we will never erradicate poverity..
    3.change immediately the Education policy( i will concentrate on quality,,not quantity as woyanne is doing now),,
    3.Try to build national feeling instead of regional feeling,,,that means i will completely distroy tribal federalism ,,,if federalism is important,,i will do it based on geography of the country
    4. Expand large farms owned by Ethiopian and the government,,,to secure food shortage and i will also strengthen the construction of infrastructure woyanne has strted..
    5.will do the revision of the constitution…
    God bless Ethiopia and its people!!!!!!

  20. Comment on NO. 4
    Kumsa I am ashamed of you. Look how you are narrow, egocentric, may be the only person in the 21st century to think and perceive the future of the country. Please learn from Comment 5.
    We Oromo children do not want to sessions rather the minority should do that if they think would help.
    I advise you to update your self with modern and democratic thinking

  21. To have a good plan is not enough by itself.But the constraints on the ground and the situation should always be considered. Hence, I will be ruthless pragmatist regardless of my plans for the sake of getting my objectives optimized. This is because we can not meet all the above objectives maximized at the same time with the current situation of Ethiopia.

  22. I would impose self reliance so that no western power would not have any means to exploit the natural resources of the land.i would encourage the people to feed themselves as we have enough food to feed the entire African continent. sure enough the rest of all good stuffs we want to happen to us will follow.

  23. First, I would see who wants to be part of Ethiopia. I would give all regions self-determination, whether they want to be part of Ethiopia or not

    I would slowly ban foreign Aid and try to encourage a free market and self-reliance

    Peace agreements with Eritrea and Somalia. Ban selling farm land to investors.


  25. Elias, this is in fact a good topic of discussion in order to get a grasp of what concerned Ethiopians really like to have in the nation. Judging from the opinions of some readers, the majority entertain almost identical ideas when it comes to solving the nation’s problem. It is my humble opinion that jotting ideas and implementing them are totally different beasts. You don’t have to look any further for evidence than ponder the case of Mr. Obama when he was campaigning and later when he was in office. We do not have to list what is wrong with the nation because almost everyone is quite aware of it for a long time. Even though it is a good beginning, a democratically elected government will not solve Ethiopia’s problem overnight. Aside from the obvious problems, there are a number of issues that need to be addressed regardless of what kind of government is in place. Let me elaborate.

    Quite a number of readers find it easy to solve the ethnic issue in Ethiopia by declaring Ethiopia is one and there is no need to even address the issue in any way. From reading these opinions, I got the impression that if you ignore the issue, it will eventually go away. And of course, the Eritrean experience has taught us otherwise. Maybe I am reading this incorrectly, but we tend to forget that there are more than 80 ethnic groups in Ethiopia with their own unique culture, language and way of life that is quite different from what is obvious and popularly recognized. This fact by itself should not have been an issue if all ethnic groups see eye to eye on common solutions, but I am afraid, that is not the case judging by the current political climate in Ethiopia. Among the opinions right here, I have read one by an ethnic Oromo on ways of solving the nation’s problem which is quite different from what the majority believe is the right way; and he was labeled as a narrow nationalist for expressing his ideas by another reader. Of course, we know that currently the Oromos are practically living as separate autonomous regions except in name with relatively some administrative rights. Oromiffa is the official language of the region and is used extensively in the education system, the courts, etc. utilizing the Latin alphabet. And I have learned from many Oromos that this is just for a starter and we all know what they are looking after. Of course, the Somalis and the Affars have similar administrative regions and have issues relating to their regions with the current regime and, of course, with any subsequent government if their concerns are not addressed properly. The majority of readers thought it is just a matter of scrapping Article 39 of the constitution that deals with ethnic issues in order to solve the problem once for all. My question is what is the solution to these and similar issues if these ethnicities could not come to terms with what are provided to them?

    One of the major reasons that made governing relatively easy for the current regime is the way they handled the ethnic issues in Ethiopia. Everyone knows the Tigreans are a minority group comprising no more than six percent of the population. But they brought the idea of federalism and regionalism to get the much needed support from the larger population and they more or less got it. We may hate the current regime all we want, but the various ethnic groups will fight hard to keep the benefits of federalism they have adopted no matter who rules the nation. In fact, the federal regions are asking for more power in their administrative regions and they are in no way inclined to do away with the system. But some of us are under the impression that if we do away with Article 39 and the system of ethnic federalism, the majority of the people will accept it with open hearts. The only thing I have to add is we should address these and similar issues before anyone becomes a president of the nation so that we should not add any more woes to the already overflowing problems once we got there.

    A. Abegaz

  26. 1- Abolish ethnic federalism with its article 39 and revise the constitution.

    2- Reclaim my(our)sea port through UN or by any means necessary.Settle the border land issue with sudan to the benefit of Ethiopia. Pacify any liberation front movement.

    3- Apply the Constitutional Monarchy system and put Prince Ermias on the throne.(There is no reason why one of the oldest monarchy system in the world should just lay to rest)

    4- Land to the farmer, implement plans for the farmer to be the master of his land.

    5- Any treaty about Abay – Null and Void. Land leasing agreement with foreign investers – Null and Void.

    6- Apply an aggressive and systematic long term compaign to finish the existance of foreign religious and non-religous NGO’s (spy agencies) in the land of Ethiopia.

    7- Revise the educational system in Ethiopia, and emphasize on the importance of education. Specially on technology and agriculture

    8- Make Self reliance the highest priority in all sectors of Ethiopia.

    9- Unleash the most aggressive cultural revolution ever against the use of chat,prostitution and AIDS. Emphasize on the need for strong family values.

    10- Have a balance and well crafted relationship with the arabs, chinesse and the west.

    11- Meraki- last but not the least, Have Beharawi Wetederina/national service a mandatory for High school graduate youths, for 1-2 years, before they go on higher education.
    On a second note me being in my twenties, I would participate with the youths in this training and graduate with them.

    (insert Tilahun Gesesse zefen – Atentame Yekeskes, Demame Yefeseselat and Hulume bager new)

  27. 9. Forgot one more important point. That is to launch an aggressive training program for monkeys so they can provide security to the federal gov and security apparatus to strictly & effectively implement separation of power.

  28. Dear Alemu,

    First I would like to let you know that I am a proud Ethiopian and I have read your response with care. You layed out very good points but there was one point that I didn’t like. You said that you would get back Assab through the UN and the international court, Which we have already lost fair and square. Get back Assab means getting back Eritrea as a whole. I don’t think that is what you want. We have to see the bigger picture, that is Eritrea is an independent and sovereign nation. We have already lost Eritrea and we don’t want to loose Ogaden or Afar by constantly threathning Eritrea with it’s integrity, I.e Eritrea’s option will be to work the disintegration of Ethiopia. Thier president said in an interview with Ethiopian review, that he believes “the sky is the limit” in the cooperation b/n us and Eritrea, in other words we will be using the port of Assab as we were using it pre 1998-2000 war. We have nothing to loose if we work with
    Mural respect. Sorry for writing long but for me I get emotional when Eritrea is discussed. Like so many Ethiopians, the issue of Eritrea is a bittersweet to swallow but that is a past, we can’t dwell on the past. Haileslassie screwed up and mengstu took the screwing to the next level. I won’t elaborate but you get the idea. I am a second year college student here in the US and I get so jeleous when I hear or the the European union working in unison and but our people and the whole region is immersed with hostility to one another. We are the leaders of tommoro’s Ethiopia and we should never make the same mistake our past leaders did. Note: Alemu, it’s nothing personal

  29. If I am a president?
    Well, I would not want to be a president. Ethiopia needs her Emperor to turn things around. As an Emperor of a different kind, I would spend much of my time among villagers never to be found in the city. That is for the prime minister to deal with. The army would be relocated to border area never to be seen in any village. Internal security is a matter of police not army. The fragmented state of Ethiopia took shape with the conspiracy of Showa Amhara and Oromo. It is us who brought the unification of Ethiopia when various shiftas want to be kings run the union to ground. It was Showa Amara and Oromo along the south, east and west which marched north to defend our fellow brothers Tigre, Wollo and Beg-Emidir from tyrant Mussolini.
    There shall be no Ethiopian political prisoner. There shall be no censorship of media except by the people themselves. After all, how am I going to hear from the people if it censored. Being lazy and unproductive will be outlawed. The right of women will be addressed. I will leave no fallen Ethiopian soldier behind in any battle. The royal palace and other costly government places would be transformed to national heritage site and smaller residence for public officials would be built. The right of individual citizen will be made to exceed that of the state (election). Every x-official will be required to serve as professor in various universities to share his/her experience. Bribery will become the most costly crime next to murder. Ethiopian citizens life will be made to be equal that of the US or UK or Israel. I will negotiate pre-screened visa waiver between Ethiopia and Israel. Ethiopians will be required to deliver technology, farm produce, medicine and all essentials made by their own hands. No Ethiopian shall raise his arm against another fellow Ethiopian. We have to bow for each other. That is our national greeting. The national Language will be Geez. Each community may utilize the letters as they please. We have to be proud of our African invention. The only written language. Religious rights will be respected within the law. There are 14 states and the constitution shall permit addition of new federal states. We must not fail so our fellow African Brothers who followed shall see we can come to life from dust.
    For those who remember
    “Ethiopian National Federation 1990~1994”
    Emperor Tesfa-Mikael

  30. I think all of the above would make Ethiopia worest than the current evil government. You cann’t run the country with emotions, and pre-medieval good-will thinking such as comment 33.

    Only mature and sound, fitting the current modern world would be the comment 20 By Dr. Yonatal ( Canada) says: I SECOND his suggestions. All the others are just only warm emotions which we all Ethiopians argue when we meet in shay and buna bet with out any aim or conclusion.

  31. sara #34,

    Sara reminds me a long story I heard when I was at Kine bet in Ethiopia; the story goes this way: There was a famous kine-student around Gondar area, and one day this renowned kine-student was reading his new kine to his kine-memhir (teacher). Before he finished his reading, the other students stood up and applauded him for his excellent and original kine; however, there was a new student who just came to that kine school to learn kine. He had also stood up with the rest of the students and had praised him, but this famous kine-student became furious and reprimanded the new student, telling him: “You have no idea what I am reading and you don’t know yet what kine is, but you stood up and praised me as if you knew kine.” The new student responded: “I know nothing bad comes out of you, and that is why I hailed you.”

    In this case, commentator #35 is absolutely right when he said: “Please just write your own before criticizing comments written by others.” I doubt sara has read all the 33 comments and compared them carefully with Dr. Yonatal’s comments that she admires. One cannot simply criticize or praise some ones’ comments without first reading them and analyzing each one of them and finally contributing his/her own comments. If I ask sara to tell me those comments she considered emotional, pre-medieval, good will thinking that have been discussed aimlessly at buna bet or shahi bet are indeed comments written by people who are emotional, backward, aimless, and buna-bet chatters, why doesn’t she show us her art of writing comments in one paragraph or two?

    Come on sara and write your ten points that you would do if you are the Prime Minister of 80 million Ethiopians with different languages, cultures, ethnicity, religions, and border conflicts. I’m waiting to hear from you since most of the comments you have simply dubbed pre-medieval. For you the word “pre-medieval” is something old that has nothing to do with the modern world. How foolish you are that you do not know during that period painting, literature, medicine, education, universities, and monasteries were flourishing in Europe, China, India, and in many other parts of the world. I hope you are going to learn many good things when you write your ten points.

  32. As the Europeans get stronger the more they will control Africa. Whether your from tigray, oromo, or amhara it doesn’t matter. Let’s work together for as one for ourselves and our children.

  33. I will create an institution where every ethiopian has an equal opportunities including to elect and to be elected. If Ethiopians are given this opportunities, patriotic elites will emerge and lead ethiopia to prosperty.thank god those days are not far. One day in 2010 we will wake up with headline news “meles is —- and the Wayane army backbone is broken. what left of wayane fled to tigra”.

  34. I WOULD KEEP the same with bringing more freedom for everyone and I would make a limited power for federal. Make afan oromo and amharic the official language of the country,

  35. Bedasa,
    You shamed of Kumsa’s idea and he might do the same with your idea. Kumisa expressed his interest and u did the same. What makes yours special? Who made you represent all Oromos as you are he is Oromo. At least you should accept this difference? You put your idea in 21st century and condemned his idea saying he is the only person who has this idea in this century.Please respect others idea he is Oromo as you are claimed for it.

  36. 1. የተያዘውን የምጣኔ ሃብት ድርጊት በመቀጠል የድህነት መቋጫ መሳሪያ ማድረግ
    2. የሥነ-መንግሥት ሥልጣን በህዝብ ታዛዥነት ሥር እንዲውል አቅጣጫውን ማስተካከል
    3. ህዝብ፣ አካላዊም ሆነ መንፈሳዊ ነጻነት እንዲሰማው እርምጃዎችን መውሰድ
    4. ኢትዮጵያዊነትን ከፊት፣ ሁሉን ነገር ተከታይ የሚያደርግ ራእይ መቀየስና መገበር
    5. የብሔረሰቦችን ህላዌነት ማጉላት
    6. የክልሎችን በራስ የመተዳደር መብት መንከባከብ
    7. የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በግፍ የተነሳውን የብህር በሩን ለማስመለስ የሚቻለውን ሁሉ ማድረግ
    8. የአየር ሞገድ ማሰራጫ ሰርጦችን የህዝብ ማድረግ፣ የዜና አቅራቦት ሙያን ነጻ ማድረግ፣ የመረጃ ሳንሱርን ማጥፋት
    9. የኢትዮጵያ ቴሌኮሚኒኬሽን ባለሥልጣንን ለግላውያን ባለሙያዎች መሸጥ
    10. መለሰ ዜናዊን ለህግ ማቅረብ

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